Rockefeller Foundation Funds Continued Propaganda
Something this evil is rocking the “cognitive dissonance” of most normal and decent people in humanity, but those who love wickedness know that most people are too trusting.
Read MoreSomething this evil is rocking the “cognitive dissonance” of most normal and decent people in humanity, but those who love wickedness know that most people are too trusting.
Read MoreArrested for preaching the Gospel and for NOT giving in to the Canadian tyranny. Those are his only crimes.
Dr. David Martin exposed EVERY facet of the criminality of Fauci, Collins and the U.S. government and their international plot to depopulate and get rich while doing both.
The facts and truth have never been allowed to see the light of day on the largest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity.
There are ONLY two kinds of people now… Those who believe the LIE and those who see the LIE!
This is not a game America. If this is allowed to continue it will be the end of the country after 245 years.
The biggest hoax EVER perpetrated on mankind has been carried out in our generation. And still, many are oblivious of that fact!