Spiritual Depravity And Moral Depravity Reach New Levels

spiritual depravity


moral depravity

is linked to the spiritual depravity in this generation and “Genetic Sexual Attraction” is simply another perversion and claim of normalcy by the NWO.

Homosexuality and incest are nothing that hasn’t happened since early in the history of mankind, but now these lifestyles are on the rise and even promoted as acceptable and even “normal.”

Any nation that is spiritually reprobate, always ends up being “morally” depraved as well.

America has a new level of

spiritual depravity

and moral depravity that would have been stunning to just a generation ago.

Forbidden love between siblings, symptoms of genetic sexual attraction:

As I read the story of Kim West, the 51-year-old who entered a romantic relationship with her son, 30 years after giving him up for adoption, I realized this is just another sign of spiritual and moral depravity.

Her story was splashed across the newspapers last week after she revealed how a reunion between the pair sparked an intense romance. Now they want to get married and start a family.

West and her son lover were treated as circus freaks, called “sick on every level”. Now they’ve gone into hiding, fearing a jail sentence.

Yes, we still have laws against certain perversions, but those laws are slowly being done away with until one day, the Mom and son will be accepted by the new world order.

It’s interesting that the public was so outraged, because the couple’s story is far from unique. In fact, a number of family romances have emerged over the last decade, and I don’t see them stopping any time soon.

There have been cases of grandparents settling down with grandchildren, fathers and daughters in love, and even twins twinned up.


spiritual depravity

links to the moral depravity of any people group and America is no different. In today’s perverted theology, science always tries to explain the depravity with a “it’s not their fault” theory, it’s just the way science is…

genetic sexual attractionIt seems to be accepted if we blame it on science, but the truth is, there’s nothing “scientific” about spiritual and moral depravity. It’s a choice and they CAN help it.

The world and their “wisdom,” have labeled this “Genetic Sexual Attraction” (GSA). They call it a “phenomenon” no one wants to talk about, because it raises a taboo topic: incest.

“Genetic Sexual Attraction” or GSA, describes a powerful sexual attraction that occurs when biological relatives, parent and offspring, siblings or half siblings or first and second cousins, meet for the first time as adults. At least that’s how they like to describe this perversion of emotions toward a blood relative.

Just because my cousin was beautiful and I might be attracted to her, didn’t cause me to have a “genetic sexual attraction” that I couldn’t help!

They claim that it was first identified in the 1980’s by Barbara Gonyo, who fell madly in love with her son. After they reunited in adulthood, Gonyo struggled for 13 years to break off feelings for him.

They also claim that GSA is a “struggle.” Of course it is, not giving in to every wrong emotion of lust a man or woman feels… IS a struggle!

The so-called “scientific experts” claim, when people criticize West, they overestimate her degree of control in the situation. Often GSA sufferers feel powerless, as if their feelings are impossible to change. There have been heartbreaking cases of families broken apart by GSA. It’s an affliction, a curse for all those involved.
“A number of family romances have emerged over the last decade, and I can’t see them stopping any time soon.”

Why GSA occurs is still up for discussion. There isn’t a great deal of research into the area, because who wants a PhD in incest? Some researchers have “hypothesized,” however, that an effect in infancy protects against GSA. When families live closely together, they become desensitized to each other as sexual prospects. This desensitization effect is said to happen between birth and age six. Without it, and when relatives meet later in life, GSA can occur. Evidence from the Post-Adoption Center and University College London suggests that GSA it happens in 50 percent of reunion cases.

Put in this context, West becomes far less of a freak and more of regularity. It is only her pride in her relationship that has perplexed others, as many GSA couples feel deeply upset about what’s happened to them. There are even communities online for them to anonymously discuss their relationships.

“In the future, I hope they won’t have to hide away. I think that will be less likely as a result of increases in fertility options, which have dramatically upped the potential for GSA cases,” says Charlotte Gill.

Perhaps one of the biggest causes for concern is egg and sperm donation. Over the last few decades, “it has never been easier for organizations and individuals to dish out large quantities of eggs and sperm” to different locations. The last Human Fertilization & Embryology (HFEA) report shows that sperm donations, especially, have been rising since 2005 with many coming from the US and Denmark.

The new world order (NWO) thinks they have a better solution than raising normal healthy and happy children with their natural parents and natural families.

This spiritual depravity and moral depravity that is gaining momentum and popularity, will simply continue to destroy life as God intended it to be.

“This seed sprinkling will essentially mean lots of children go through life without ever knowing their biological father and/ or mother, and other important close relatives, in the time where the desensitization effect should happen.

“Those who succumb to GSA are not sickos, or freaks, but victims who desperately need help and understanding.” (Isn’t this the same early approach that has been presented to the world about other depravity and perverse human behaviors?

spiritual depravityThe worlds attitude about this: “Should they never meet with their (unknown) biological family, then they will never put themselves at risk of GSA. But such reunions have become much easier, especially as new rules brought out by the HFEA mean that any child conceived on or after April 2005 can now seek information on their parents when they turn 16 years old. This will inevitably mean more children discovering their biological relatives in adulthood, with the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of more GSA cases.”

The world would have the morally right think that “those who succumb to GSA are not sickos, or freaks, but victims who desperately need help and understanding. Their feelings are not controllable, but with scientific research and support, we can give them some degree in control over this devastating affliction. And stop the cases we know are bound to come and keep coming.”

The world’s answer to “spiritual depravity” and “moral depravity” is always, “let’s find a cure through science.”

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of ThinkAboutIt.news and ThinkAboutIt.online. The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

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