America Is Being Deceived On A Global Level!

america mentally poisoned

Article By Mike Adams

America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasn’t elected by the people and isn’t a real president, so his fake regime doesn’t count.

Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in today’s podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.

Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.

We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.)

Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality.

But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:

When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality. Recently, a woman who ran out of hair spray spread Gorilla Glue across her entire head and then couldn’t figure out why the glue wouldn’t wash out in the shower. But that’s not the mass mental illness I’m referring to.

In response to this, people donated $15,000 to her GoFundMe account, and nearly 700,000 followers joined her on Instagram, so the woman has now hired a manager. This is the mass mental illness of the population being demonstrated, where people are attracted to insanity and stupidity and end up supporting it. It really is like a scene ripped right out of Idiocracy.

Here’s a short Brighteon video explaining this fascinating demonstration of total madness and stupidity. It’s too bad Democrats won’t try to use Gorilla Glue as lipstick, so they might glue all their lips shut and stop filling the world with stupidity:

In today’s important Situation Update, I reveal why America is over and how the globalists will likely succeed in mass murdering six billion people. It doesn’t look like a process we can stop.

It’s also apparent that the masses are either too stupid or too insane to have any idea what’s happening to them. The Bill Gates effort to mass murder six billion people won’t be difficult for globalists to achieve. Do you really think “Gorilla Glue girl” has any clue that the global depopulation agenda is targeting people like her, whom globalists label “useless eaters?”

Meanwhile, Big Tech censors intelligent people like Sherri Tenpenny or Dr. Joseph Mercola, while promoting the content of idiots who use industrial glue as a hair gel. What’s next? Will she use Gorilla Glue as a food thickener in her macaroni and cheese, and then wonder why she has a stomach ache?

Yet her story isn’t unusual anymore. People are insane everywhere, and that includes US senators, so-called “journalists” and even the “authorities” at the FDA or CDC.

We are no longer living in a world ruled by rationality, morality and clear thinking. The world has collapsed into insanity, immorality and demonism.

This is why America as we know it is over. The genocidal globalists will “win” in their effort to slaughter billions. But after the coming collapse and mass genocide, there will be a “next society” for the survivors, most of whom will be preppers and anti-vaxxers because that’s who is prepared to survive the global culling.

We must all prepare to survive the mass culling and then contribute to the society that emerges on the other side.

My comments, NOT Mike’s…

(I would like to add that I am convinced this is the beginning of the “strong delusion” on the masses as written by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians):

For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is removed. Then that lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will eliminate with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

It is a massive deception on those who are trusting in this world system alone and have rejected the “love of the Truth.” What is that truth? 16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Views: 33

About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

32 Comments on "America Is Being Deceived On A Global Level!"

  1. I try to tell my family what is actually happening in our world but the don’t believe me. I encourage them to seek the truth for themselves but they don’t. I am so frustrated i know is sounds insane, but I speak what I have read in many sources. They just think I’m losing my mind. A conspiracy theorist.

  2. Excellent video Bill Gates is a functional autistic with no compassion empathy or consideration for anybody but himself exact wrong type of person to be advising anybody about anything it’s all about profit and extermination of humanity.

  3. Thanks Steve for hitting the nail on the head. This is how we God’s people see the the insanity that is going on around us. I pray everyday that more and more people wake up! But it looks like about 75 to 90% of the population will walk right into those FEMA death camps believing that it’s a quarantine covid virus camp! Thinking the government will heal them. It’s really sad but how can we wake someone up that is completely disillusioned. God bless my friend and brother in Yeshue the Messiah. Stay safe my friend.

    P.S. The persecution of Christians is already underway here in california with the shutdown of churches and huge fines for gathering even outside. Hey but it’s ok gather indoors at strip clubs. God help us! 🔯🙊🙉🙈

    • That’s exactly right Thomas! It is more than frustrating to try showing or explaining what I have seen myself and truly feel in my soul what is happening and the plans for our future, if we follow the nonsense. People just mostly laugh it off or like one girl said to me (that supposedly was an educated smart girl) “oh that can’t happen here, we are free”. I said yes and that’s what Germany said, that’s what the Cambodians thought. Nothing else was said.

  4. Thank you for you info and love sir thank you heavenly father for this man and your love and its sad that this is happening theses poor children and adult’s

  5. Christine Chandler | February 18, 2021 at 1:25 pm | Reply

    It’so true what you’ve said. God in His mercy has taken away the grieving for my family. He has me continually praying for them with my hope for heart changes but not caring them as a burden. Praise God fir His mercy & loving kindness to all.

  6. Thank you so very,very much for all your insights & straight talk. May God bless you ! Kind regards from South Africa, also in turmoil and deceit from the top.

  7. Thank you for your information… I find your videos and articles informative very helpful and spot on.

  8. Keep being the watchman Steve. You may save one or two more.

  9. I’m definitely awake. it seems like more and more people are not awake to what is going on in this world. I just want to make it into HEAVEN, so I’m doing what I can to open up people’s eyes to the Truth.

  10. Satan is behind everything that is not of GOD. These people are marked for destruction. Only the ELECT will survive, that is; everyone who’s name appears in the LORDS Book OF Life.

  11. Unfortunately, all this is a very painful truth, but it is not only the USA, but also all other countries and nations in the world, on all continents, for many decades there has been a quiet and slow, but total, multi-level war with all mankind.

    Greetings from Poland

    GOD Bless Us ALL

  12. Steve Meloccaro | February 26, 2021 at 10:24 am | Reply

    I’ve been telling people for yrs. to read your bibles, know scripture,study for your self don’t leave your eternal soul in the hands of anyone other than Jesus Christ, he died for you so you could commune with the father, the preacher sought to find acceptable words, and that which is written was upright even words of truth, THINK ABOUT IT is 1 channel that tells truth

  13. Hi Steve,

    Been watching your channel for a while now from NZ and appreciate it muchly.

    There’s this long running joke regarding NZ having more sheep than New Zealanders…

    Hurts too much to laugh about anymore…

    God help us all!

  14. Hi Steve,

    Been watching your channel for a while now from NZ and appreciate it muchly.

    There’s this long running joke regarding NZ having more sheep than New Zealanders…

    Hurts too much to laugh about anymore…

    God help us all!

  15. How did “we” here avoid the “poisoning”, why not me? Why do I think I can see the truth while I actually feel that I am being somewhat, perhaps supernaturally, protected from the insane or non-believers? I don’t consider myself special in any way, mostly I fail, “in the world”, I don’t like this world and I don’t want to be part of it and am waiting for Jesus my Saviour to take me out of it. It’s almost like I’m kept from worldly success, but I am comfortable,and grateful, none the less. It certainly is the end, it could be any day now for all we know. So, why us?

  16. Been watching for a while from NZ…

    There’s this long running joke regarding NZ having more sheep than New Zealanders…

    It’s no longer a damned joke.

    Speak life famz. Bless y’all.

    And thanks Steve, love the content.

    God Speed.

  17. Read the book Preparing for the great tribulation and the era of peace by john Leary. refuges are last hope

  18. I believe what you are saying because of what the book of Revelation tells us.

  19. I been watching u for some time.ur videos are all one point.the end is here.we r living in the end times for sure.. God help us all…

  20. To add to the demoralization, let’s include a total derailment and theft of our election. Millions of additional votes for Donald Trump even after the preset algorithm and vote ratios sit in the dominion voting machines. To me that is the ultimate betrayal. Eye-opening.And now we’re listening to rhetoric geared towards two more years of being led as the New World order solidifies and cements they’re still in position. No one talks about the second amendment. What is Tierney?

  21. You speak truth. Thanks for this. I just want to say the wed is being censored to the max and the truth is being hidden. I posted a video to YouTube outside of a vaccine camp in Brooklyn NY speaking truth about How we shouldn’t take the vaccine . It was taken down within minutes and I received a strike . The thing is I said nothing wrong or offensive. This is more proof of how lies and deceptions are pushed to the front and the truth is shunned and done away with. I would love to send you the video and if your interested you can show it in one of your videos. I don’t mind,I just would love to get my message out.

  22. Thank you for the truth. I have felt like I am the only same person in this world alot lately. Now I know why.

  23. Concerned Citizen | March 4, 2021 at 5:30 am | Reply

    AmeriKA is DEAD my friends and we have just sat back and allowed all of this sick, vile craziness to take place. We the people are pathetic and disgusting. Enjoy what we have done to ourselves.

  24. You describe the state of mind of the people well. However, why do you keep calling out just the Democrats? Do you believe Republicans are different? Do you believe the “two party system” is real? If you do, then you’d better get your brain straightened out fast, because the USA has ALWAYS been a lie, and anyone thinking this country was the “land of the free and the home of the brave” is willfully in denial. Americans have lived puffed up arrogant lives for so long, they refuse to believe their country was never any better than all the countries we were programmed to criticize while we ignored the pile of excrement in our own back yard. Republican and Democrat was always a front-they’re on the same side behind closed doors and put this voting show on for us to make us THINK we have a “say” in government-its kept us real happy and behaving like good little zombies for the NWO plans. We’ve been brainwashed since the inception of this nation, with its lying, slave-owning elitist floundering fathers who only meant for THEMSELVES and their ilk to have freedom. It was that hypocrite Thomas Jefferson who worded hard to institute public schools to brainwash the masses from childhood, and he got it in spite of the American people at that time saying “NO” to the state raising their children. Now Americans can’t live with raising their own kids-they DEMAND that the state do it! And EUGENICS started HERE in America-HITLER GOT HIS IDEAS ON THAT AND ON RACISM FROM USSS!!! THAT’S what has caused mass insanity and stupidity-NONSTOP LIES AND WILLFUL IGNORANCE AND ARROGANCE. Read some real history, read the book POLITICAL PONEROLOGY. Wake up yourself.

  25. I tried posting this on Facebook it said it was not up to community standards, they were talking about the video. How can we get the word out if we are being blocked from every corner?

    • Exactly Marie. STOP even wasting your time on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter! They are all “shadow banning, removing and deleting” subscribers. They want people to “feel” like they’re making a difference, when in reality they aren’t allowing you to.

      • Thank you Steve. These are tough days for believers. Our families, even our own children laugh and think we are just Bible thumping nutcakes, and yes it hurts to know the truth and not have our beloved ones accept the truth of Jesus our Lord. I just want to shake them and ask, “how can you not see what’s going on in the world?” Maybe the delusion does have them hypnotized in some way. Can we say a special word to snap them out of their stupor? I am so appreciative of your truths.

  26. spot on Steve, the has lost its mind failure to believe in God, has set them up for the big lie. so sad! I can only hope and pray this all ends sooner than later! come Jesus!

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