So You STILL Believe It’s A Conspiracy Theory?
It’s really hard to believe that there are STILL people that believe the lie that “chemtrails” are just natural “contrails” from jet airplanes!
Read MoreIt’s really hard to believe that there are STILL people that believe the lie that “chemtrails” are just natural “contrails” from jet airplanes!
Read MorePropaganda is pounded into our heads day and night. The virus, 5G, chemtrails, GMO food, the hope of a vaccine cure so you can live normally again.
Would you believe a “philanthropist” would be deliberately committing “Genocide” on the earth?
The globalists aren’t even trying to hide it anymore, but actually “admit” that they’re chemtrailing (spraying geoengineered heavy metals and toxic materials) the earth in…
I’m very burdened by what I see going on and what I understand is happening right now. And sadly, most people don’t… The United States…
More evidence is mounting about the REAL purpose of Chemtrails (geoengineered aerosol spraying) and there’s nothing we can do about it since this is being…