The founder of wrote the most heartbreaking, but true news that conservatives could learn about this weekend.
Make no mistake about it: Fox News is the network of Paul Ryan. For over a year now Ryan has been gloating that he was going to use his position on Fox’s board to ‘do something’ about Trump. This wasn’t a secret to anyone who has been paying attention to Fox over the course of the past year. Day by day Fox News slowly became CNN lite and the lone network of dissent in a sea of leftist propaganda succumbed to the will of our corporate oligarchy.
Without exception, Tucker Carlson is the only one worth watching on Fox. Everyone else is either too afraid to speak the truth boldly or has sold out as controlled opposition for the Republican establishment. This was obvious on election night and the days that followed.
Carlson boldly speaks truth to power day in and day out, which is why this summer Tucker Carlson Tonight broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history. Carlson will undoubtably be remembered as the peak of humble and honest television news reporting as we start to witness network television’s inevitable and spectacular decline into irrelevance.
What comes next for media will look a lot like or perhaps a hybrid approach like OANN and Newsmax. It’s crazy to believe that only a handful of Silicon Valley companies will have complete control over the flow of information, communication, and news forever. The future of media, news, and communication is a balkanized and decentralized series of alternative media platforms.
The median age of a primetime Fox News viewer is 68, according to Nielsen. Millennials are tuning out of cable news. Most don’t even have cable (I haven’t for seven years.) “Data from a survey held in March 2020 in the United States revealed that the most popular source for consuming news on a daily basis among U.S. Millennials was social media, with 57 percent of respondents stating that they used social networks as a source of news daily.”

After Fox’s total and complete betrayal of President Trump on election night by wrongfully calling Arizona for Biden before any other network, Fox will soon be remembered as a distant memory of the past in news media history.
In the midst of a heated legal battle over the numerous cases of fraud during the 2020 election, Fox News host Laura Ingraham said that Donald Trump should accept ‘the unfavorable outcome.” Fox News anchor Eric Shawn claimed that President Trump’s allegations of election voter fraud in Pennsylvania were “baseless,” “a lie”, and “not true.” Then Jeanine Pirro’s Show was cancelled tonight after they found out she was going to report on election fraud.
If you are tuning into Fox News, then you are funding this madness. Sure the pundits and talking heads may spout off some talking points you may agree with from time to time, but when push came to shove and it mattered most: Fox News threw the President, and the country, under the bus and they’d do the same to you too if it meant making a buck and appeasing the establishment oligarchs who run this country.
So ditch Paul Ryan’s news network. We’ve been fed more lies and disinformation from one of the last (or what we thought was) bastions of truth and fact. It’s time to wake up and face the reality that they love money and their cushy jobs MORE than they love this country.
They think that by “going along to get along” they’ll secure their safety net to keep their lucrative jobs, but in the end, they’ll find out they were deceived just like they deceived us!
The future is on and other “free speech” beacons of truth!
Thank you Steve for everything that you do. I am glad I can still find you. God bless you and God bless America and President Trump and all those that are helping him uncover the truth.
Steve how can you say the rapture isnt biblical. Its call harpazo. Means snatching away. Christ clearly tells us two will be working the field, one taken, one left behind, two in bed, one taken one left, two grinding millstone one taken, one left. He isnt speaking of judgement day because that day the elements burn with fire and nobody escapes. I know the word rapture isnt in the bible. Scripture uses harpazo. Tell me your thoughts. Much love and respect. Been a fan of your videos for many years. See you in the clouds brother. Harpazo
I guess you didn’t see this video. There is a time when the Lord will take the dead first and then we who are alive will join them, but the timing is NOT “Pre-Tribulation” as we’ll all see very soon. This false doctrine has been tight for 200 years now and has deceived millions including me until I really studied the word of God…
Sir, I appreciate all the effort you put in to keep us informed without excluding Jesus Christ who is the answer to our dilemmas. Incidently, your website was first blocked by Malwarebytes and then Bitdefender. That may scare some otherwise seekers from your website. I’m not sure I trust those programs since they even blocked the website to the church I was going to. Just in case you weren’t aware of it.
I know you’ve probably answered this a thousand times but are you saying if I receive a covid 19 vacine I am taking the mark of the beast ?
Do the research and then make your decision Donald. If you’ve bought into this giant psyop of the COVID-19 fear mongering, then by all means go take their vaccination…
God bless you Sir my husband and I are both elderly and disabled, so money is tight but I do share your videos on Facebook. They have tried many ways to shut it down but I go around them, sometimes it lands me in Facebook jail. I take that as a badge of honor both to my God and Country.
Thank you Marie!
FOX is clearly just another Rothschild news organ, censored and biased like the rest, only the “loyal opposition” to the collectivist globalist conspiracy, that just let China establisha puppet government in America.
Steve you’re job and efforts are noticed and appreciated by people who love Jeshua Messiah and Eloihim Adonai and me too Thank you so much Steve and God eternally Bless you for telling Us THE TRUTH.
Tucker is not the only one. There is Hannity, Judge Jeannine, Jesse Waters, Greg Gutfield, Laura Ingram & those like guest speakers Mark Levin, who tell the truth.
A LEVEL of truth and there’s a line they’re NOT allowed to cross. Don’t think you’re getting the WHOLE picture on Fox b/c you’re NOT!