Original Article by Jamie White
Did you vote for him to be your “overlord?” He doesn’t care that you never did because he has decided, and appointed himself along with all of the globalists to be your new rulers. Forget about your “constitutional republic”, and say hello to the death of America and the West.
Do YOU agree with him that we should submit to “medical tyranny”, because they demand it, stop eating beef, sell off all of our oil and energy to other countries and cause inflation to put Americans into certain poverty, death and/or total control?
Klaus urges world leaders to create a “deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world.” (in other words, “destroy what exists now so that we can build it back according to our plan.”)
“This will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process,” says globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab. (In other words, “DESTROYED THE WEST.”)
World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab praised the Great Reset agenda making a “deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world.”
“If we look at all the challenges, we can speak about the multi crises, economic, political, social, ecological, and institutional crises,” Schwab told world leaders Tuesday at the B20 event in Bali, part of the G20 summit.
“But actually, what we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world. And this will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process.”
What he means by “challenges and multi crises” is that it’s not as easy as they had hoped, for enforcing their will, on the masses of mankind against our will. And he admits it won’t be that easy to tear down the structures of our world so that we can make it look different than it is now, after we complete the tearing down process.
Klaus Schwab is now part of the G20 and here he is giving his instructions directly to our “elected” leaders…
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) November 15, 2022
🔊sound …🧐#WEF #KlausSchwab pic.twitter.com/SSpLUkUONI
Schwab explained that the “driving force” of this “transformation” is moving to a “multipolar world,” a euphemism for the decline of the United States and the West.
“Politically, the driving forces for this transformation, of course, is the political transition into a multipolar world, which has a tendency to make our world much more fragmented,” he said. “For this reason, events like this one, the G20 and so on, are the very important connectors to unwind a too great segmentation…”
Schwab has in the past bragged about the WEF “penetrating the cabinets” of world governments and the extent of influence it has over the media, NGOs, and academia.
“We have continuous partnerships with many governments around the world,” Schwab said. “Then of course, we have NGOs, we have trade unions, we have all those different parts – media, of course – and very important experts and scientists and academia…religious leaders, social entrepreneurs…”
No one voted for the unelected WEF to “penetrate the cabinets”. It’s a conflict of interest to sovereign democracy.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 13, 2022
And no, this is not a conspiracy theory. Klaus Schwab actually boosted about it. pic.twitter.com/G0mTiDj3yZ
Part of the WEF’s plan of creating a new world is introducing a universal “digital health certificate” that would be tied to an individual’s biometric and financial data, which was discussed at the G20 summit.
This comes as global banks and financial institutions are banding together to launch a digital dollar pilot program that will enable them to easily track and control currencies for the purpose of instituting a Chinese-style social credit score system.
The saddest part of everything that’s going on in this world right now, is that for so many people, they are completely ignorant and naïve about the fact that there is such a small group of only several hundred people pushing to usurp the authority, control and freedom of the rest of the 7 billion people on earth.
And it’s because of these “narcissistic psychopath billionaires” who want to run the world that we are going to see the greatest suffering and sorrow this world has ever seen, if we don’t stand against them in mass together! And for people who like to say “well I’m only one person what can I do?” Do what you can! Refuse the medical tyranny by refusing the next shot. Find a way to homeschool your children and take them out of the perversion being taught in public schools.
No, we can’t control the price at the gas pump or the electric bill and we can’t control the financial institutions, but we CAN say NO to complying with their tyranny every time they demand we submit.
It’s because we’ve already “complied” to the “great psyop of medical tyranny”, that they’ve been able to gain as much ground as they have. We must resist, and we must stand against them with everything we have. The alternative will definitely be slavery for the rest of our days or death…
But we know what this is all leading us into. The Bible tells us very clearly that when the anti-Christ rules this beast system…
16 And it makes everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark: the beast’s name or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666.
Think About It!
Thanks for another great article. I got it out to thousands through various social media venues. Your work is priceless. God Bless!
Thanks Ken! And thanks for sending it out to others! If we won’t stand together, we will fall alone.
Gods best, S
Klaus, NAZI spawn
Reminder Klaus. Those who have nothing have nothing to lose.