The REAL Ambitions Of The “Mastering” WEF
The leaders of the World Economic Forum have a wonderful future planned for all of us… They just don’t plan to share in our misery!
Read MoreThe leaders of the World Economic Forum have a wonderful future planned for all of us… They just don’t plan to share in our misery!
Read MoreThere is almost nowhere that you can go now as a human being on this earth, and not be surveyed. The cameras and the surveillance is everywhere.
Through deceptive fear and panic-mongering about the “killer virus,” the so-called elite deprives people of basic rights, which they may reclaim in tidbits in exchange for good behavior, such as vaccination acceptance.
Everything these monsters are doing to our world and society is for our destruction and annihilation. It shakes most people’s cognitive dissonance so much that most people can’t comprehend this level of evil of these lawless men.
MILLIONS of deaths and debilitating health tragedies have happened all because of a “designed” mRNA geoengineered bio-weapon by men with ONLY two goals in mind. DEATH and PROFIT.
We are being infantilized (condescend to as if still a young child) ad nauseum, dictated to incessantly, and forcefully insulated from “dangerous” sights and sounds and ideas that we are supposedly too fragile, too vulnerable, too susceptible, or too ignorant to be exposed to without protection from the so-called elite.