The Future of Weather According To UN Sec Gen
The UN and those in the related NGO’s really believe they will be like gods in controlling everything including weather.
Read MoreThe UN and those in the related NGO’s really believe they will be like gods in controlling everything including weather.
Read MoreThe globalist elites who are weaponizing mental illness are also waging class war. They’re against cheap energy & industrial capitalism because that “lifts up ordinary people” and closes the gap with the elites, who want depopulation, distance & inequality.
The global elites pushing their “great reset” agenda have been using the so-called “climate change” issue as a motive for something MUCH more sinister and one of the leading ecologists exposes it.
Another document that proves how these globalists want to try and control mankind.
Is there really a catastrophic end coming because we aren’t acting to stop “climate change,” or is it another ploy of the globalists to enforce their “solutions” on a world that refuses to believe their lies?
After about two decades of total ignorance, many people are awakening to the Global Control Using Chemtrail Climate Change and how serious this is to…