Hollywood Knows AI Is Making Them Obsolete
Artificial intelligence is so many years ahead of what the public is being told, but now we’re beginning to see the replacement of human beings for artificial intelligence.
Read MoreArtificial intelligence is so many years ahead of what the public is being told, but now we’re beginning to see the replacement of human beings for artificial intelligence.
Read MoreThe globalist elites are planning our demise on every angle imaginable. They will leave nowhere to run.
It sounds like something out of the most dystopic video or movie you could ever see, but it’s true. We now live in life imitating fiction.
Technology in audio, video, and even holograms has reached a level that exceeds even the greatest imagination in technology. None of it is brand new, but they want you to believe that it just now came on the scene.
The World Economic Forum cites AI as the singular key to the rise of what they call the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In their view, there can be no human progress without the influence of AI algorithms, making human input almost obsolete.
Imagine a world micro-managed by a cold dead algorithm that views you as only one of two things: A resource or a threat.