More evidence is mounting about the REAL purpose of
(geoengineered aerosol spraying) and there’s nothing we can do about it since this is being run by globalists who have your money to fund this daily operation worldwide.
Who is behind chemtrail spraying? Who in the world is spraying these toxic chemicals?
The simple answer to why in the world are they spraying…. CONTROL. (ex. Georgia Guidestones)
A very secretive and elite group of globalists and their families have been manipulating most arenas of the earth’s population for centuries and THEY are really the ones behind geoengineered chemtrails.
Even our government admits to chemtrails:
Sometimes we receive information that appears to be both important and true. Since the issue is SO secretive and controlled, the information may lack the ability to totally confirm the claims.
When this happens, I take the issue to the general public as well as to trusted sources with expertise in these areas.
I can partially verify some of the claims and I’m presenting the findings here and asking others to look into this as well, so we can collectively assess the threat to humanity.
What is a Chemtrail? Why chemtrails are being used?
Over the past 10 years, Dave Hodges has interviewed Ty Bollinger several times. Chemtrails were never the major source of the interviews, but, Dave was aware that Ty had an interest in the topic and his revelations proved fruitful. Here is Bollinger’s definition of a chemtrail: The truth about chemtrails…
List of chemicals in chemtrails: What are chemtrails made of?
Chemtrails are
aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90,
, cadmium, zinc, viruses and “chaff.” Chaff looks like snow but it’s actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years, and he has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses, which are now part of the air we breathe.
Unlike normal contrails which quickly dissipate, chemtrails sometimes take hours to dissipate and eventually fan out to a “spider web” type of milky haze that covers the entire sky. As these are formed from minute reflective metallic particulates they eventually reach the earth…
Bollinger’s definition matches, in part, with what I have been receiving from others who have more direct scientific test results.
Covert Communications On Geoengineering Aerosol Spraying:
The following is a series of excerpts, stemming from several communications that Dave has received from an unknown confidential source with regard to this topic. What in the world are they spraying?
…Chemtrails consist of nanobot polymers that are ingested by human beings. These polymers are microscopic and it enters the host through the air, water and our food supplies…
…Chemtrail particulates are part of the weather patterns and they are designed to infect the entire human species and there is nowhere human beings can hide….
…I know for a fact that these particulates are designed to compromise immune systems with time-delayed effects…
…the chemtrails can induce mood changes….
…the particulates are biospecific in that they can target certain groups of people…
What are chemtrails doing to us? Why are chemtrails being sprayed?
—It is known that about 80% of the exposed population will eventually succumb and their compromised immune systems will eventually lead to their demise. From the models, it is theorized that the remaining 20% will be increasingly docile and relatively easy to control….
…When I look at what I know, I believe that chemtrails are going to destroy the food supply on this planet. What will replace it, I have no direct knowledge, but I suspect that this is the ultimate application of using food as a weapon….Male sperm counts are deliberately being impacted. There is no other conclusion than the creators of this technology want human beings to eventually stop reproducing.
Does this blend in with transhumanism and its goals of morphing and controlling human beings? Absolutely!
Here are just a few more patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering for those who doubt the authenticity of what is being claimed:
On these final points Ty Bollinger weighs in.
…what goes up, must come down and we’re being bombarded daily with a chemical and radioactive fallout surpassed only by Agent Orange, the defoliating chemicals developed by Monsanto to wipe out the jungles during the Vietnam War…
Since aluminum has an affinity for water, all life forms attract these oxides. This causes contamination of even organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock if they’re exposed to the open air, because plants readily absorb aluminum salts from the soil into their vascular systems. Everything absorbs aluminum salts and it’s in the air.
Processed foods are filled with aluminum salts and aluminum sulfate is added to water to make it clear. Apparently we are in the “Aluminum Age” and it’s everywhere, but so unhealthy according to Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the UK…
…published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry demonstrates that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells, while a 2012 article in the Journal of Applied Toxicology shows that aluminium promotes growth in human mammary epithelial cells. And “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Couple these studies with other recent studies indicating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors and may cause proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues, and we understand why one research team coined a new term (“metallo-estrogen”) to describe an entirely new class of metal-based endocrine disruptors (including aluminum, cadmium, and barium).
Disturbingly, all of these metallo-estrogens have been found in chemtrails.
Ty Bollinger concludes his research into these matters with the following excerpt:
…there is a growing concern that the earth will soon become unfit for organic food and pure water sources because of the unrestricted spraying without our consent. It appears that “control of the masses” has taken on a whole new meaning….
Back in 2014, Dane Wigington stated that the food supply was being negatively impacted by geoengineering aerosols.
The viability of our total food supply is being greatly imperiled by chemtrails. Low sperm counts, are at least in part attributed to chemtrails.
I cannot totally confirm the degree that chemtrails are bioweapons with a definitive end game.
I’m not able to confirm the allegation that chemtrails are “mood and behavior altering” and for what purpose, but it sure would explain much of what we see today in the strange behavior of many people.
I’m appealing to serious researchers to respond to this article with detailed references and research-based conclusions if they’re bold enough to expose it.
Two verses in the Bible come to mind when I look at this abomination being sprayed in our skies each day:
Jesus said, in Matthew 24:22, “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” “Indeed, if the length of this time had not been limited, no one would survive; but for the sake of those who have been chosen, its length will be limited.”
And in Revelation, the Apostle John gives the end of those who are doing this to the people of the earth….. “The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
There’s obviously much more to come on the chemtrails real purpose and this latest assault on humanity…. and Lord willing we will be able to do something to stop it.
I became aware of chemtrail‘s about to years ago. A friend of mine told me and I thought that he had gone off the deep end. Then one morning as I was sitting facing the window reading my Bible I was watching a couple of jets fly by leaving a trail I really didn’t think anything about it but then I watch them do exactly what my friend said the trails expanded and remained. Now that I am aware They have become quite obvious!I do pray and ask the Lord to intervene and expose it.
Mary, I know how it feels when you first figure out that this is real. I know since 2009 and have seen them regularly. Sometimes they just go nuts over us and no one else even see it right over their heads.
I completely believe you. I have been videotaping them since July of 2019 in Rochester NY. I know that at that time, the forth of July started out a beautiful blue sky day. The chemtrails went over and within an hour the sky began to get dark.
Here in Rochester the plasma center popped up overnight completely equipped to extract plasma for money. I was on board, did it a time or two. Until I came out of the plasma center and their was the crisscross chemtrails over the donation center.
I am from the country and lived across the street from a corn field. When the farmers dust cropped the corn, they did it in the same manner these planes are going over our city. In areas where the poor are congregated, I noticed the crisscross pattern, as to make sure that location is doubly sprayed. I have pictures of the crisscroSs over a food line, the transit center and my own neighborhood.
There is no reason anybody should flying over our cities. We need to get to the bottom of this and halt this whole program before it is too late.
There actually are reasons for planes to fly over a city. If the city has an airport planes need to fly over the city to take off and to land. I know that sounds complicated and perhaps overly-scientific but if you think about it you should understand.
Airports are never in the cities. Airports are in the outskirts usually at a good distance from major living areas therefore planes should fly around cities to reduce noise and pilution.
I watch this happen, seems like every other day. Beautiful Clear blue sky! Then just above me as I’m outside…. planes/Jets pushing out double stacks of smoke.(( Now… I watch commercial airplanes daily go up and over and the smoke trail dissipates within a minute of its pass over. I also live Next to two private airports and watch daily as they come and go and no smoke residue or left smog)….. so I look at the weather app on my phone and it calls for clouds just an hour after the planes started making the lines in the sky. I’ve watched it repeatedly from the beginning of this year 2021, since I stay home, I’m just shocked how the forecast weather channel, news and weather app all predict clouds and storms shortly after the jets crisscross the smoke lines. I’m just a Mom staying at home and found this to be A coincidence at first! Then it matched up, jet smoke = cloudy forecast.. So are the weather forecasters frauds? How do they see clouds form if it’s from planes? Now on the clear days there are real clouds. They’re lumpy, round and carelessly there just floating by. I have so many questions and God help us and keep us all healthy. I’m researching detox remedies for this forced toxic air we are being made to inhale. Thank you for not hiding the truth!
Chem trails have been sprayed around the World for years. The Chemicals cannot be healthy to breath. I would not want to be behind one of these planes as the chemicals come out. Here in Southern California, we have been bombarded constantly with Chem trails, until the Covid-19 virus spread epidemic began to infect thousands of people and kill several hundred people in California. For a few weeks now there have been no sign of any planes spraying that stuff, and the skies are clear and clean. Interesting!
Right now many chem Trales r over head, I’m starting a fire in Hope to help!!
why can we not get this stopped. what are their reasonings for having to do it in the first place? who is allowing them their airspace time to do so and who employs these peopl that fly these planes. again why cant we stop it
All of your questions have the same answer. The luciferians/globalists have more power to do evil than we do to stop it in our own efforts. The run governments. How do you think this covid-19 scam could work?
Knowing that the spraying is done all over the world I do not understand why some scientific organization did not ever send their own plane to trail a chemtrails plane to collect samples of the sprayed material. It could be possible that we could be getting sprayed by the COVID-19 virus. Everyone thinks it’s mouth to mouth but it may not. Different variants of the virus could be sprayed anywhere to study effects.
It’s been done. In this documentary, scientists use a modified lear jet, follow a chemtrail tanker, sample the chemtrail and confirm what we already know. Aluminum, barium, etc.
I am in Utah County and South Salt Lake County today. Heavy Chemtrails have been disbursed over us extensively. It was clear blue early..then the classic criss cross patterns were there and we watched more planes leaving fresh trails. Wonder if we will have more C-19 cases within 2 weeks
I live in Northern Portugal – near the border.
Roughly 2 years ago I noticed that from early dawn to at least late in the afternoon there way more airplanes flying overhead than what is usual. It was happening on almost a daily basis and they left behind long white trails that didn´t disappear, but began widening and dispersing over a span of many hours. I hated watching this because they assissinated the skies – especially on days where at 6 am the skies were crystal clear blue.
As a concerned citizen, I did some research and can find no other possible explanation rather than that they´re releasing “something” in the skies high above. I find it terribly frightening but unfortunately te large majority are completely unaware of what´s going on (makes me wonder if they look up) and the rest couldn´t care less.
Since at least February 23 of this year (2020) I have not detected any chemtrails (and I check the skies EVERY day). I thought it may have been a positive consequence of Covid-19 or questioned whether they had managed to find a technique to disguise their geoengineering practices.
Unfortunately, yesterday (July 4) the chemtrailing resumed on a massive scale. Hell begotten airplanes criss-crossed the magnificently blue skies all day unloadly their highly suspicious cargo and assassinating our skies.
We must be a stop to this!
Hi, I’m in the uk, been watching these planes do this for years, it’s truly shocking what there doing and they totally deny it’s happening , how they are getting away with it I don’t know. It seems people clearly do not look up as it’s so obvious. My question is , surely it must affect the people that are organising this as much as us unless they are taking some thing too counter act it’s effect on the elite etc or who ever is behind it. I’m assuming the people behind this will be the same as who was behind 9/11, covid 19 and all the other stuff that goes on .
It is all apart of the world script. We inhale all of these metals and 5g then heats it up causing us to not be able to breath. The coronavirus symptoms completely line up with radiation poisoning. Corona virus is a decoy and to keep the masses in low vibrations and fear.
Hasn’t anyone noticed since C-19 the spraying of Chemtrails has been almost Non-Existent ? Did they run out of Money, or ????
NOT where we live it hasn’t slowed down.
Not surprising that tgey are just covering their trails. They will go back at it big time as soon as the current scam achieves it purpose. They won’t run out of money for trailing cuz it is we who are paying for it.
They won’t run out of money because “The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money–almost any amount of it.”
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from printing ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
it is my impression that through 5ge, specific resonance frequencies of aluminnium, stronntium and bariumm (used in fireworkss) one could ignite the trails in whole cities and territories as well as heat induced water in the lungs.
The chem trails are over Petersburg Alaska the past week or so……a lot of them. No answers……Scary though…
President Trump gets another term, I Hope and Pray He would FORCEFULLY shut it down…
Couldn’t agree more with you Jack!
The chem trials are spraying a different way now. They come when its dark and look like stars take a photo it might shock you.also look through binoculars.I don’t know what you can call them now as they spray a different way.the other night at 3.30am I looked out the window and counted 21 of them. They are so evil.
Yes they are!
I became aware of chem trails a few months ago. I’m dropping my son off at football at 6o’clock in the morning here in Draper Utah, I looked up at the moon and saw three distinct white lines above it, and a plain off in the distance I think they are still spraying us but just doing it at our so it’s not as obvious.
Make this stop!! I know we are being poisoned…
I would like to know if these are passenger planes or not? What specific type planes and passengers are these?
Military planes working under the Open Skies treaty. Unmarked. The pilots are just flying their course. They dont spray. The sprays are being operated through setalites by a joy stick killer. May be a douche bag sitting in hawaii or who tf know where. How the puppet masters avoid the chemmos is that they put on the maps where theylive. The politicians even the PM are not the masters. They are just cheap straw man for the puppet masters.
I believe all of this to be true. However…….My question is this. How are these Globalists able to avoid infecting themselves? They breathe the same air as we do. Do they have some kind of antidote?
That’s my question also!
Chelation therapy.
I recommend listening to “ 001 Chemtrails: The Sky is Falling” from The Medical Medium Podcast by Anthony William (Sept. 20,2020). Very informative.
Its goin onfor sure
We have them in Florida now since Biden came in office they been spraying ..
The ones master minding this evil attempt to destroy the human race have two common characteristics: evil all the time, very powerful.
Now if we go all the way back to Gen 6, who are the ones fitting that description?
It’s odd that you bring up spraying c-19. In my area I think it was in May 2020, but helicopters have been flying over a few small towns by me. It’s like every night for a few days. I too was wondering if they could be spraying Covid closer to the grown. Now people have reported that military planes and helicopters have been flying about 500 ft or less off the ground. Windows will shake. What can that be about?
I am so upset!!
They are gridding the sky every other day! What can we do!?
Heavy spraying over Columbia County
New York. All day!
So obvious.
I live in Oklahoma just yesterday there were six planes flying over our area leaving their crisscross Chemtrails. It’s spread out and covered the whole sky. I think it’s another part of the depopulation scheme!
The only thing we as citizens of the U.S can do is unite and organize against this evil.
It is getting worse, and has been stepped up since the election. Are we that naive to just
ignore this threat? Go online, find groups and join them, tell everyone about this poisoning of ourt skies. It is obvious and blately being used to affect us in some negative way. The idea that no body knows who is doing it or why is insane. Call your congressmen if you are a conservative, liberls, your political leaders will ignore you so don’t bother. We cannot be like Ostrich’s and put our heads in the sand. Young and old this is an attack on the human race, we can beat it but only together. Trump lost, Biden cheated his way in, his dementia is fitting for him as the Chem trails have proven that the metals infected in the chem trails such as aluminum cause Dementia, Parkingsons, and Alzimer’s plus other organ related diease’s
April 3, 2021
Chemtrails heavy over southern minnesota today!!!
We have them almost daily in North Mississippi. Today the criss crosses were so obvious and abundant. It’s so scary not knowing what they are doing and why!!
i don’t really believe in the chemtrail theory BUT .. look up or google the use of Cadmium sprayed from aircraft over Norwich and Norfolk or East Anglia in the UK .. it was real and it has been widely reported ..
It’s NOT a theory. Just go to and get an education R.D. You really are low information…
I’ve noticed for the last couple of weeks they are spraying our Florida skies like crazy. I sent Ron Desantis an email asking what he’s doing to protect his citizens. I have plenty of photos. I’m fed up!
I was always puzzled seeing people outside wearing masks for Covid exposure. Don’t we need the fresh air, I thought. Now, knowing about chemtrails, I may start for that reason. I want to know how to get clean air in my home so at least there’s some place I can control.
I live in Washington State. I started noticing the spraying at least 5 years ago.
It’s really bad the last couple years!! They start flying early in the morning most days. The chem trails spread out and turn into this blueish semi transparent haze!!
I moved from Washington State to Arkansas over 20 years ago and was introduced to the chemtrail spraying that far back by a friend of mine. I watched them purposefully put a checkerboard pattern in the sky above me one day. You could see the aircraft turn and turn off the spraying and then start it again.
The only way all this can be stopped is if we the people raise our voices, calling Washington DC and let them know that we will put every one of them out of their office if the spraying is not stopped. It would be great if people would get their hair tested for all these chemicals, then you will know how much you have been exposed to. The virus that we are seeing now was their plan back in 2009 using the bird flu, and a Doctor that was treating heads of state was told by one of her patients that it was time for the great culling, and this Doctor asked them, what do you mean? You know where we get rid of all the useless eaters that are eating up our un-renewable resources. Well, when people raised their voice, they pulled back and just waited till people had forgotten about this, then in 2019, all of sudden we have a global pandemic, that gripes the whole world, what is left to say? it scared this Doctor enough that, the Doctor left the country. This is a man-made virus, that was created in a lab. Even God’s word speaks of the emptiers (depopulation) so we can sleep or awake, its your choice.
There is no virus. The whole thing is a made up mind screwing. They created FEAR with a non existent ‘threat’. This “virus” is simply the common flu caused by a detox your own body goes through. Take in too many toxins…you die in the process. There have been NO flu cases reported to the WHO since April of last year. So did CONvid cure the flu?
I forgot to say that God has told us that evil men have entered in among us.
Lots of Chemtrails over oklahoma the past week – small town.
How do “they” avoid the effects of the chemtrails? Don’t they live on the same planet? I have no doubt that much of what is being said is true, and it may be that “they” think they are doing the right thing like kids with a chemistry set that are not being supervised may think they are doing the right thing when they blow up the chemistry classroom and themselves with it. I just take issue with ANYONE thinking they have some sort of divine right to screw around with the Earth’s normal functions.
YES, our skies here in central coast CA are very bad with the trails. Spraying all weekend long…July 25, 2021
these chemtrails started in the early 60`s and the military wanted to weaponize it for future usage, the eletists see this as a way of spreading whatever they want as they own the governments worldwide. There is also a hypothesis that the lizard type aliens are the ones who want to eleminate the humans and do with the world as they wish, apparently we`re not needed any more, IMO.
Honestly.. with everything that is going on in this screwed up world and we’re being attacked from everywhere, sometimes I wonder what the hell is the point of being here. I could sit here and question how chem trails are even legal because last time I checked NO ONE gave any consent, but they’ve been slowly poisoning us for decades (without consent) do why the he’ll am I surprised. I’m disgusted anymore with the government.. it’s not even the politics that scares me.. it’s the crimes against humanity that they’re just getting away with..
ONLY for a season Ann. They WILL answer and pay the highest price imaginable!
time to cut the head off the snake
“Time to remove the head off the snake”
In SoCal this past year we witnessed many days of beautiful blue skies turning into cloud layer after planes crisscrossed the sky spraying. Started taking lots of photos and this started me researching the geoengineering/chemtrail nightmare going on. Now in Northern Virginia today, (45 min south of DC) beautiful clear skies, only to look up to see the familiar crisscrossing of multiple planes – soon enough ruined this beautiful sunny day and the sky is covered in the fake cloud cover /chemicals. So upset when you realize you can’t have peace and safety anymore and anywhere. If there is advice on who to contact, please let us know…
Thank you for publishing this article, I have been trying to get to the bottom of the truth about chemtrails. My opinion and warnings fall on deaf ears. People think I’m crazy and paranoid and don’t want to hear me. I’m tired of the cover ups, dismissal of truths and distractions, diversions and deflections. How do I follow your website and find you on Facebook? In search of truth!!
Over the last 3 weeks Spraying has doubled in my area. Im located 17 miles East of the Denver airport. Most days there will be 5-9 high in the sky traveling just below Mach 1. Some days I’ll count 17 aircraft in the sky at one time.they spray all day long I need to find a lab and take some soil in to have tested. Currently im going to place 4’x8’ plywood sprayed with adhesive to catch what I can and have it testes.Dont know what it is but it cand be good. Ill check in after I’ve had tests ran.
Gene, you’ll probably find the same things in it that Dane Wigington found back when he did tests where he lives in Mount Shasta, California. Strontium, barium, aluminum, and plenty more.