Chaos Escalating In New Year 2019


I don’t think anyone is mentally prepared to accept the level of chaos that’s coming.

About 95% of the population doesn’t give a crap about anything other than their social media posts, celebrity news or fashion shows. Their ability to face reality on any subject — politics, finance, science, ecology, etc. — has collapsed to zero.

For the other 5%, most of those people are too desperately clinging to financial survival to think seriously about preparedness or collapse. They’re already in a collapse of sorts, and they don’t have the mental bandwidth to handle even the thought of another crisis.

The strongest evidence of a collapsing civilization is when the signs of collapse are systematically ignored by those most likely to suffer from it.

The people who will be most negatively impacted by a stock market crash, for example, will tell themselves they “can’t afford to lose any more retirement money” and have to keep holding their stocks and hoping for the best. When people are told to sell their stocks and convert to cash or T-bills, they irrationally say, “But I can’t afford to pay the tax on the stock gains I’ve already made!”

Then how, I wonder, will they be able to afford living when half the value of their stocks evaporates over the next two years? Somehow, they’ve become paralyzed by profit and now find themselves incapable of realizing that profit by cashing out. (Remember: No stock market investment profit is real until you sell it. That’s why such profits are called “realized” profits. They are made real.)

America is poisoned with “Health Care”

The very people being poisoned by toxic pharmaceuticals resist adopting healthy food and lifestyle habits, telling themselves they need “their medication” even though it’s the statin drugs, cancer treatments and antidepressant chemicals that are making them diseased and depressed in the first place. 

Most people are murdering themselves and it’s all based on the bad information they’re being fed everyday by a dishonest media that’s almost entirely controlled by corporate and globalist interests.

Remember, the primary job of the media, is to convince people to act against their own self interest. Accomplishing that takes daily propaganda exposure and heavy saturation of the conscious mind with repeated lies and distractions. (Ex.CNN.)

Leftist Democrats fall into the same trap on the political spectrum, demanding an overpowering, authoritarian government that monitors and controls the lives of individuals, then they wonder why they’re living as slaves under a tyrannical regime.

When did the people of Venezuela realize they’d made a horrible mistake voting for a socialist leader and giving up their gun rights? Similarly, at what point will America’s “progressives” realize they are recreating the policies of the Third Reich under the banner of “progress?”

The road to tyranny is paved with good intentions, and those political candidates who smile too much (or promise too much) are faking it.

When mass delusions become normalized, society is reaching its end

Almost everyone is delusional in one way or another. All across American society today, what passes as “mainstream” thinking is so horrifically disfigured that it’s almost unbelievable to witness.

A biological man, for example, recently claimed to be a “woman” so he could join a women’s football team and dish out man-sized brute force on the play field. When he was cut from the women’s team, he sued… and won.

Under the banner of “feminism,” women’s sports teams are about to be steamrolled across society, dominated by creepy biological men full of rage and hatred, all claiming to be women.

Ironically, progressive women across America support the insanity in the name of feminism and progressivism. So the next time a female football player gets her clock cleaned and her teeth knocked out after enduring a devastating tackle from a 270-lb transgender “woman,” just remember this is what equality looks like in a “progressive” society.

It’s only going to get more insane, too, as the LGBTP movement — the “P” stands for pedophilia — takes over social media, internet content, Hollywood and cultural institutions.

Any person who stands up and says that sexually molesting children is wrong will be banned for engaging in “hate speech” and not loving pedophiles.

By the same logic, even serial killers will be canonized by the progressive Left as long as they claim to be gender fluid. They can simply claim to “self-identify” as a transgender human predator, thereby invoking instant legal and cultural immunity for their actions. You may say, “that will never happen…” You would be wrong.

These are all signs of the collapse of civilization. On the good news side, these are temporary insanities that cannot be sustained for long, since they violate the laws of nature, biology and reality.

On the bad side, they’re leading indicators that prove human civilization has truly gone insane and can no longer function in any manner which is rational or sustainable.

There’s no stopping the collapse that’s begun now

You’re starting to see the systems of human civilization break down everywhere. The labor pool of reliable, young workers in America has all but vanished.

Bankers are financial idiots who can’t answer basic questions about customer accounts. Corporate “security officers” who work at insurance companies can’t answer questions about the security of your social security number.

Doctors now function as little more than Big Pharma’s human drug dispensing machines, and so-called “journalists” who have infested the corporate-run media are so dishonest and incompetent that they’ve utterly lost the ability to investigate anything at all.

There isn’t any sector of society that’s functioning like it should these days. Not even the universities, which have been transformed into snowflake indoctrination centers for the mentally gullible. Young people graduating from college today know less than they did before they entered the school.

They become experts in “anti-knowledge,” or “fake facts” that they think are true. For example, nearly all college graduates today believe that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant that will destroy the planet, yet any honest scientist who graduated a generation earlier will confirm that carbon dioxide is the single most important nutrient for plants, responsible for the “greening” of rainforests, food crops, grasslands and even aquatic ecosystems.

CO2 is the molecule of life, yet college graduates have been indoctrinated with anti-knowledge that claims CO2 is a poison.

Ironically, at the same time, actual poisons are believed to be miraculous healers. Smoking cannabis, for example, subjects your body to all the cancer-causing carcinogens of cigarette smoke, yet today’s youth have been brainwashed to believe that cannabis smoke is somehow a health-enhancing magical substance, while cigarette smoke is a deadly poison.

Those of us who are older know full well what a 20-year pothead looks like… and it isn’t pretty.

If smoking cannabis healed your brain, Northern California would be full of Einstein’s. Instead, it’s collapsing like the rest of the country, only with more pot smoking along the way.

Inhaling burned cannabis is just as damaging to your health as inhaling burned tobacco. Yet tens of millions of Americans currently believe precisely the opposite.

Modern society cannot be rescued from self-induced suicide

We probably crossed that point a decade ago with the election of Barack Obama, an America-hating criminal traitor who systematically worked to destroy the United States of America from within.

Now, a decade later, we’re still trying to stop the hemorrhaging with emergency measures, but the bureaucratic deep state is blocking all such efforts while pointing at Trump and claiming it’s his fault things are going wrong.

From here, it’s just a question of the form and timing of the collapse… there’s not even a real debate about whether it’s coming. The systems upon which sustainable society depends are no longer functioning.

Across the realms of politics, finance, science, biology, culture, history, news, knowledge and even technology, falsehoods are rewarded while truths are punished.

The weak-minded are celebrated while the critical thinkers are “terrorized and defamed.” The “perverted” are hoisted on pedestals, while the moral members of society are mocked and censored.

Every institution in society now rewards evil, perversion, destruction and stupidity while punishing intelligence, rationality, innovation and morality.

A society that celebrates the mass murder of unborn children while demonizing Christian bakers is a society that has no future.

A society that finds knowledge despicable but lies fascinating is a society that has no future. A society that poisons its children for profit with Big Pharma drugs while teaching them that gender biology doesn’t exist is a society that has no future.

A society that heaps financial reward on the paper pushers on Wall Street while confiscating the life savings of middle-income wage earners through central bank monetary debasement has no future.

A society that can’t fund its pension promises for tens of millions of state and federal workers — most of whom are going to lose everything — has no future.

A society with federal regulators that promote the mass poisoning of the food supply with GMOs, glyphosate, pesticides and hormone-disrupting chemicals has no future, either.

We are past the tipping point of societal suicide. Every institution operating in America today is engineering self-induced destruction.

There is no institution that is operating on reason, planning or even common sense. The DOJ has become a farce of justice; the FBI is the most corrupt law enforcement agency in American history; the EPA promotes the mass pollution of America’s soils through biosludge; the FDA is a Big Pharma mass drugging propaganda operation; the CDC is a massive science fraud organization that worsens the health of Americans; the IRS is a political weapon that’s used to target political enemies of Democrats. Each of these institutions was founded with the promise to help sustain America, yet each of these now works diligently to destroy society and collapse sustainable society.

What’s REALLY coming: Mass poverty, disease, addiction, suicides and collapse

Because of the collapse of “reason, civility, law and order,” over the next few years humanity will be tested like never before. As The Burning Platform writes:

Based upon history, the resolution will not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions. Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs.

The delusion of stock market profits is not going to bail out the mass destitution that’s coming soon for the American people.

The “wealth” has all been stolen by the usual suspects: central banks and corrupt bureaucrats. Your dollars will one day be rendered worthless, which means your bank account “savings” will be worthless even if the numbers still appear on your bank account statements.

Pensions will be wiped out. The real estate bubble has already begun to collapse, and the bond bubble won’t be far behind now that the Fed is tinkering with interest rates again (in another desperate effort to crash the stock market under Trump).

The sobering truth is that what’s really coming for America won’t look that different from what’s already happened in Venezuela. You’re going to see mass unemployment, an exploding population of homeless people and a dramatic worsening of the opioid crisis.

Suicides will skyrocket, infectious disease will spread and the Democrats will incessantly demand you surrender more power to them to solve it all.

You’ll be told, bigger government is the answer, … and oh, by the way, don’t forget to “turn in your guns” or you won’t qualify for government food stamps.

Ultimately, the poisoned will feed on the poisoned. The clueless will vote for the clueless. The desperate will sell their bodies to the desperate in exchange for one more toxic meal.

Social media will be the last cruel joke on humanity as the depressed, malnourished masses take to SnapChat to pretend their miserable lives are awesome… even as they contemplate suicide after the conclusion of each video clip.

2019 – 2020 is only the warm-up…

The suicide of humanity is under way and accelerating rapidly. It cannot be reversed. Now, we can only watch as it plays out over the next years, accelerating in 2019 – 2020 and likely exploding with unimaginable chaos following the 2020 election (regardless of who wins).

Violence will spill into the streets, where deranged, lunatic Leftists will have to be met with force to prevent them from burning down America’s cities.

Martial law is a definite possibility, yet even martial law can’t stop the collapse of modern society, since the root causes go far beyond the lack of civility.

America has raised a generation of chemically-intoxicated, emotionally fragile morons. The media has abandoned any last pretense of engaging in “news reporting.” The tech giants have sold out to the communists and globalists, and every cultural institution of our modern day has gone all-out to promote transgenderism and pedophilia while attacking morality, reason and truth.

The vaccines cause brain damage, the food causes cancer and the institutions of science teach climate change quackery.

Meanwhile, at least a million Americans are hooked on opioids and other painkillers, and the day the pharmacies run out is the day these people go “full zombie” on society.

You’ll need to be armed to survive what’s coming, and the police and sheriff’s departments will be powerless. 911 services are already breaking down on a regular basis, with nationwide telecommunications infrastructure failing with stunning regularity.

If you don’t yet own a pistol, a rifle and a shotgun, you’re already late to the game. There will be mass violence — especially in the cities — and only the prepared will have a chance to survive.

The coming chaos won’t be over in a weekend, or even in a year. It could last a decade, and it will unveil a stunning landscape of cultural depravity, child sex trafficking, substance abuse, political corruption and critical failures of law enforcement.

Many people who are working middle-class jobs today will find themselves living on the streets, begging for food, performing sex acts for money and stealing to avoid starvation. 

Homeless tent cities will rapidly expand in America’s largest cities, and Democrat-controlled sections of America will resemble Third World shantytowns, complete with cholera outbreaks, HIV pandemics and superbug infections.

If you are not willing to kill in your own defense, you will be killed

As you consider the collapse of law and order across society, keep in mind that people who are not willing to kill in self-defense to survive violent attacks will be killed themselves.

I highly recommend you read the book, “When Violence Is the Answer” by Tim Larkin. In that book, you will learn that surviving the coming violence of society is not so much about knowing fighting techniques but rather having a mindset that enables you to unleash acts of extreme violence against those who initiate attacks against you first.

The book is largely written for women, by the way, to protect themselves from rapists and muggers. But it’s also very informative for men, too.

I believe that 99% of the U.S. population today is too polite to survive when it comes to unbridled violence. Those 99% will be easily preyed upon by the criminal class that have no qualms about slitting your throat, gouging out your eyes, shooting you in the back without a warning shot, poisoning your dog to assault your country home, etc.

If you’re not willing to flip the mental switch that’s required to kill these people in your own defense, you won’t survive any encounter with the criminal class.

If you really want to know what society will be like in a post-collapse scenario, go interview ten felony prisoners and ask them how they would survive such a scenario.

The answers you get will forever change your view of reality. These people are not playing by any rules at all, and they are behind bars for a reason.

Remember, too, that Democrats want to empty all the prisons and release these violent felons onto the streets of America. That’s because Democrats don’t “believe” in walls, guns or prisons, which ironically is why Democrats will be some of the very first to be murdered by those violent felons.

Never forget all the bikers and hikers who went on “peace missions” to hike through ISIS-controlled territories in the Middle East to prove that “people everywhere are by nature good people.”

Those hikers got their throats slit and were left to bleed out on the side of the road. It’s tough to learn that your delusions don’t count in the mind of someone else.

You might believe that the world is a peaceful place full of good people, but your delusion counts for nothing when a violent Antifa nut job attacks you with a spiked baseball bat.

If you’re not armed and prepared to shoot that Antifa nut job before he can drive that spike through your skull, you’ll end up just like the “world peace” hikers who died in ISIS territory.

If these concepts make you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have the mindset to survive the coming violence. Defending your life against violence is a mental choice, but most people are incapable of carrying out the necessary actions to save themselves, since they’ve been told their entire lives that only “bad” people shoot others.

The truth is, good people sometimes shoot bad people to save lives.

There will be a New Earth and New Heaven

Finally, on a positive note, it’s now clear that collapse is the next necessary step to rebirth. The “Next Society,” as I call it, cannot be born until the current society collapses.

Jesus said, “21 For there will be trouble then worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again!22 Indeed, if the length of this time had not been limited, no one would survive; but for the sake of those who have been chosen, its length will be limited. (Matthew 24:21-22)

During that collapse, 50 – 90 percent of the current population will perish, depending on which scenario unfolds.

The Good News for Humanity

21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had passed away, and the sea was no longer there. Also I saw the holy city, New Yerushalayim, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne say, “See! God’s Sh’khinah is with mankind, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and he himself, God-with-them, will be their God.He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will no longer be any death; and there will no longer be any mourning, crying or pain; because the old order has passed away.”

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

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