War In America Is Right Around The Corner


Everything we see from the lying media, the anarchists in government and on the streets of


prove we’re being hurled toward destruction.

It’s not a race that we all want to be a part of, but there are so many “low information and dumbed down” people now, it may be unavoidable.

This last election was a shock, NOT only to the globalists, but to the millennials that had placed all their hopes in a corrupt system that seemingly promised them the continuation of a never ending liberal utopia.

America is racing at the “speed of dark” towards civil


With a mainstream media owned by the globalists and appearing to have the election “in the bag” for Hillary Clinton, it was just “vote, watch the election results and then party all night celebrating the win.”

americaThat balloon broke like the water bag of an expectant mother… The cleverly devised plan of the globalists and the Obama administration had been played, but they missed the signs of average working people in America, who were so thoroughly disenchanted with the total breakdown of law, and the slavery by the elite on the backs of working men and women.

Now that the globalists/Luciferians control has been “loosened” and their “exposure” continues to grow, they’ve turned to Plan B…

Plan B for the globalists and elites of the world is to use the deep state people put in place over decades, but especially during the Obama administration, to activate the army of resistance against real progress the President brings in changing their system.

The Media in this country (since they’re owned by the elites anyway) has also been enlisted to bring down President Trump so that the globalists can regain total control. The “celebrities” that bad mouth the President are all part of the left’s “tantrum fit” of NOT getting their madam president in the White House as they expected.

“Liberal brainwashing” and “progressive social indoctrination” is RAMPANT in order to reinforce the globalists agenda of a one world government.

All of them together continue to “twist and distort the truth” to promote the agenda of taking back their prize…. America and it’s slaves. Even the appearance of democracy doesn’t matter as much as gaining back “control.”

Unfortunately, most people in America can’t see what’s been happening and is still happening since the election over a year ago.

We’ve always been lied to, but now it’s gone to a “sickening level” of DAILY lies coming from mainstream media and people are being indoctrinated with a total perversion of truth.

americaWhether you like the President or not, even the average person with their eyes open can see that “constant allegations” of this crime and that crime are leveled at the President daily. WHY?

The elite 1% control 40% of the country’s wealth. There is no true “middle class” family anymore. And for those that think they are, “just miss one or two paychecks and then see what happens.”

America is also in a race towards

World War III.

The central banks of the West are in the fight of their lives.

The ONLY question left is: Will America start World War III first to save the Petrodollar from extinction, or, will America go to war with itself?

A civil war is a desperate attempt to reallocate the nation’s resources in a typical Marxist kind of revolution by the globalists.

The Failing American Economy May Be The Trigger….

The typical economic fate that most Americans find themselves in, in America, is still waging war on the middle class.

Look at what Global Research and its ode to Capitalism wrote about the general feelings of despair shared by tens of millions living inside America:

america“Simply stand in the isle of a corporate, Big Box chain store or in the parking lot of a strip mall that squats, hideous, on some soul-defying, U.S. Interstate highway and allow yourself to feel the emptiness and desperation extant. The tormented landscape, besieged by an ad hoc assemblage of late capitalist structures, emporiums of usurped longing, reflects the desperate, rapacious nature of late capitalist imperium.”

The collective feelings of hopelessness and despair caused by our economic system are accurately expressed by Sputnik News:

“A new federal study observes that over half a million people are homeless on any single night, adding, the number of homeless in New York has grown by over four percent in the past year alone.

On the US west coast, homeless populations in Seattle, Oakland, Portland and San Diego have risen.

Most people on the verge of homelessness do not receive any form of government assistance in the US, the study observed.

“The problem is that a vast majority of homeless people are not living in the streets, they are not visible, they are not in shelter,” said Tanya Tull, a founder of Partnering for Change, an organization finding stable housing for families with children.

Finally, there is no peace in retirement. According to the Census Bureau, nearly 33% of all millennials live at home with their parents and of them 25% can’t be bothered with enrolling in school or finding a job.

A new study by NerdWallet said: …a parent’s retirement savings could be $227,000 higher if they chose to save the money that would otherwise go to their child’s living expenses and tuition.

world war lllHomelessness is at an all-time high in the modern era and getting worse by the day.

The NerdWallet study also found that almost half of the millennials expect their parents to provide some support, however, the retired parents are going to expect help from their adult children.

These are both signs of a failing economy. No wonder Millennials favor socialism over capitalism in all the public opinion polls. They will be willing participants in a potential civil war.

Ideologically, the nation is already at war with itself courtesy of the George Soros sponsored and created racial divisions from groups like Antifa.

The economic divide will merely be the catalyst for a civil war. However, there is another scenario which shows us that World War III could occur before a civil war starts.

Russia, Iran and Venezuela Are About to Lead the Effort to Crush the Petrodollar:

These three countries are facing crippling sanctions. And they’re responding with sanctions of their own that could spell the death of the Petrodollar and ultimately the Federal Reserve.

The following came from RT and they stated:

“The gradual acceptance of digital currencies, with major exchanges about to launch bitcoin futures trading, may prompt some oil producing nations to ditch the US dollar in crude trade in favor of cryptocurrencies, an oil analyst says.”

america“Russia, Iran and Venezuela have more than one thing in common. All three are major oil producing nations dependent on the dollar since the global crude market is traditionally dominated by contracts denominated in US currency… ”

Putin’s leading the charge towards the purchase of crude oil not only in gold, but in cryptocurrency created by the Russians. If this comes to fruition, nobody will be using the Petrodollar because there will be no need to.

The dream that JFK had to return to the gold standard is coming to fruition. Many felt that this was one of the primary reasons that JFK was assassinated.

The introduction of these Russian based economic reforms won’t necessarily result in a Presidential assassination, but will definitely result in the assassination of the US dollar because the Petrodollar concept and system provides the only protection against hyperinflation that our dollar currently enjoys. This alone, will change America forever. War is the only solution.

The Russians and the Chinese are engaged in gold backed trading. The nation of India is participating as well.

This new found freedom which is moving the world away from the Petrodollar is taking hold across the planet. This will NOT be good for America!

This is the stuff that world wars are made of. These economic conditions are also associated with a civil war. The only thing missing is the right “trigger” event.

We are picking a fight that does not have to take place. A war with North Korea will drag in China and Russia. This makes the conflict with North Korea a war for economic supremacy with its allies.

americaWhich system will prevail? Will it be the antiquated and exploitive Petrodollar system or will it be the debt-free system of gold backed trading? Nuclear weapons could decide this issue, or, it could make the economic conflict irrelevant because the world will be left in ruins.

Many predict that debt repudiation will soon be declared by the BRICS and Western banks will be left holding the bag for the entire credit swap derivatives debt. This is the largest collective debt on the planet. The West has no choice, but to go to war with the BRICS and their allies.

Based on where we are now, what do you think will happen first, will it be a “civil war” or “World War III?” None of these scenarios will be good for us.

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of ThinkAboutIt.news and ThinkAboutIt.online. The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

2 Comments on "War In America Is Right Around The Corner"

  1. Hi Steve, i love your videos and i always forward them whenever they come up but i have been trying to find the video you posted 2 days ago and that was banned from youtube on your other channels but i can’t find it. Could you please give me a link or maybe upload it.

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