Takedown Of America Has Begun

If you’re familiar with this website and read the other articles posted, it’s clear that a Red Dawn invasion is planned.

We are now witnessing the unveiling of domestic terrorism on a larger scale designed to weaken America. Meanwhile, south of our border, the Russians have moved in heavy armor in large numbers and are awaiting a sufficiently weakened America before attacking.

This report exposes the beginnings of this two-pronged action. MS-13 is on the loose and the Russians are moving tanks into Nicaragua after signing a naval agreement with Ortega. 

The following is a report that is multifaceted and the content is very disturbing. It contains some elements that I have been warning about for years. Some of my revelations related to the growing military threat in Central America have been met with extreme derision.

The critics of the Red Dawn threat, south of our border, will literally have heart attacks with the revelations that are going to be coming out over a period of time. Paul Preston, the President of New California is literally getting proof that the threat that will one day attempt to militarily cross our southern border has been preceded by a domestic terror threat of unthinkable violence. 

Over the past year, Marilyn Rupar, Alexandra Daley and Dave Hodges have uncovered incontrovertible proof that the Mexican drug cartel interests in this country are controlled by the Communist Chinese.

In the past, Hodges has also revealed from a high level confidential informant that when the United States is sufficiently weakened, Russia and China, under the UN flag, will attack the United States.

Both nations have a plethora of 5th column paramilitary forces already inside of the country. They’ve been able to link these interests into the Democratic Party as has former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney and former Congressman, Alan West, along with researcher, Trevor Louden.

All point to the covert plans in place inside of the United States that largely gained entrance to this country in the last Central American migration five years ago.

Even the most unaware are cognizant of the fact that the UN and prominent globalists, such as George Soros, are involved. We know key Democratic figures, through the CALEXIT affiliations are involved.

Even disgraced FBI Director, James Comey, stated on July 4, 2017, that ISIS has a presence on all 50 states. In 2014-15, Hodges detailed, through insider information about how this government, under Obama, was facilitating the entry into this country by hitmen from the cartels and we called them MS-13. 

Growing Domestic Threat to the United States

 On Labor Day, Paul Preston was doing show prep for his radio show when he received a call before 5:00 am from a law enforcement listener located in the Santa Barbara, CA. area.  At that time Paul was just beginning to follow the “burning boat” story on local TV channels from Los Angeles when his law enforcement listener surprised him with these stunning revelations.

In a nearly two hour phone call with Paul on Sunday, September 9th, he revealed that this source was impeccable and had never been wrong. The source revealed that the burning dive boat, the Conception, was blown up as a “hit” on several people in the boat.

One figure had Jeffery Epstein connections. Personally, I am sold on this connection without more information. However, the other two alleged targets of this terrorist attack have my attention. Paul Preston revealed the following on his website:

The hit centered around M.S. 13 the international cartel gang that arose in Los Angeles in the late 1980s who were taking out people involved in human trafficking and drug smuggling. In later conversations it was revealed there was a money laundering element involving two of the victims.

We broadcast that morning that the fire may have been a hit by M.S. 13 and there would be more information coming. By noon time I was getting calls that news sources around the nation were stopping their coverage of the story except those in the local area.

For example, Fox and CNN literally stopped covering this event. Local TV did not, but the national media did. Even Matt Drudge pulled back information on the event from his website. 

Remember the fate of the battleship Maine? This was another instance in which a ship was blown up, along with all the enlisted men and only the officers survived. In the case of the Conception, the crew survived, except for one missing crewman who many suspect was a participant in the crime. 

Based on new information, Paul Preston posted a Facebook post to Agenda 21 Radio on Friday September 6, 2019. Preston immediately posted this to his website:

“30 + Dead: MS-13’s Callous Disregard Of Collateral Damage:

Folks in positions of authority and power are avoiding an ugly truth as if they dare not touch it like the third rail in a subway. I did however have a few folks make contact because they did not want the truth to be ignored or worse yet to have it deliberately swept under the table. A few days ago a couple of criminals were wiped out and over 30 innocent victims were sent to their graves years before their times. The innocent were in the wrong place at the wrong time and those given charge of the safety and security of those aboard their vessel deserted their responsibilities and aided in the deaths of those innocents.

A casual observer could put two and two together and ask a meaningful question as to how it was that the crew managed to survive the inferno while their passengers did not? Would cowardice be the only thing that those crew survivors had in common or were there lives spared through foreknowledge and complicity? Again, people might ask reasonable questions given the tally of the dead and the convenient selfish actions of the crew.

As I chatted with folks close to the scene and the investigation and those who have experience with gang related activities the details shared with me were that MS-13 has recently employed a strategist in their quest to effectively wipe out enemies or authorities that get in their way. They have never been shy about direct action, nor have they been bothered by collateral damage. They find themselves in every state with a mandate to profit from the misery of others either from the sale of illegal substances, stolen goods, kidnapping, murders for hire, or paying for political influence – these are not choir boys and they have proven their viciousness on a national scale without caring that they will be exposed as the deliberate beneficiaries of the recent carnage.

When police freely share information that is at the moment hidden from public view, you know that some consciences are bothered and there is a fear that justice will not be administered to the guilty. Should the public be bothered, be worried, be fearful? Or would all of the aforementioned by appropriate given this new level of effectiveness on the part of a major lawless element of American society? I am suggesting that we should be bothered, worried, and fearful if the swift execution of justice is not seen to be levied against the lawless”.

What I learned next is stunning. A couple, who I will not yet identify, for the time being pending the gathering of more data, had deep connections to a casino interest in Southern Arizona and the casino and Native land extended into Mexico.

This gave the cartel interests and corrupt government forces direct access to the American based casino. This casino was allegedly the site of much money laundering and just like the Vegas mobs in the 1960’s and 1970’s, the mob dealt harshly with those who would skim money.

This cartel hit, via their MS-13 assassins which killed 30 innocent citizens demonstrates the viciousness of the cartels and their MS-13 subordinate. However, this story does not end with the individual story of this brutality.

Re-enter Marilyn Rupar and Alexandra Daley. Their independent research  has clearly revealed that the cartels are beholding to communist Chinese interests.

Confirmation of this fact by a multitude of insiders ranging from the DEA to the Border Patrol to the FBI has been available. And then there’s the partial list of California politicians who are in bed with the Communist Chinese (eg Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi, et al).

We’ve already documented for three years the Chinese connection to CALEXIT. These groups are now being unleashed. A DHS agent recently told Hodges that the false flag (my term) shootings are happening every other week. He said that they expect them to increase with regularity and intensity and will culminate with more loss of life.

The blowing up this ship meets the criteria. He also said that he expects that we are building for more major disruptions (eg Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, etc). We have clearly moved into this zone. Remember, this is Chinese led. 

Paul Preston also told Dave that a Chinese operative is operating in Stockton, CA. and has been brought in to coordinate these actions. Hodges also learned that under this person’s direction an incendiary device was used to blow up the ship.

Dave also learned that the media lied about the ship being 3 miles out to sea. It was twenty yards off of the coast. One of the crewmen is missing. The operating hypothesis is that he was part of the plot and set off the device and swam to shore and disappeared. This is a classic MS-13 hit. But the ramifications of this case cannot get lost in the details.

First, our MSM is complicit in covering up the event. Sometimes, it’s not what the media says that is important, it is what they don’t say. After the other shootings, there was a media frenzy to interview survivors and family members and friends of the victims. Media coverage went on for days until the public grew weary.

However, in the case of the blowing up of this ship, the opposite happened. There is a distinct lack of coverage and the human elements that draws viewers was all but ignored. In other words, the fix is in and this event was too hot for the MSM to handle. 

With the importation of groups like ISIS, the cartels and MS-13, it was only a matter of time until America was brought to her knees by a coordinated attack from these groups.

These attacks will be coordinated and are designed to paralyze the US.  When America is sufficiently weakened, the Russians and Chinese will invade.

We are now officially entering this period where is America is in the early stages of being carved up like the Thanksgiving turkey.

For people, who maintain there is no Red Dawn threat, you might want lock and load while you’re reconsidering your position.

The awakening of these 5th column domestic terrorists inside of the United States is being accompanied by very serious and new military activity south of the border. The domestic terror under the direction of the communist Chinese and the gathering of military forces south of the border by the Russians is no accident. This is clearly a coordinated activity. 

The Military Threat South of the US Border

Marilyn Rupar sent Dave documentation of a growing heavy armor Russian presence in Nicaragua.

NICARAGUA Sept. 4, 2019
Russian shows it’s continued presence as Tanks roll in Managua, Nicaragua parade


*** this is to remind Nicaraguan people that RUSSIA not Ortega is in control of their government. 
Like an undeclared martial law, no?

In July 2018- Russian snipers literally BLEW THE BRAINS out of protesters heads with Dragunov guns
(their brains had to be picked up from the streets)

The report came from a tweet that showed Russian tanks parading in a military parade in the capital city of Nicaragua at a military parade. The following is a presentation of three short Youtube videos by the people who posted the tweet. This is extremely concerning. 

In a very concerning discovery, Nicaragua and Russia have a signed mutual defense pact which involves their respective Naval forces. The first thing that came to mind is that a weakened America will not just be attacked through the southern border, there could be an amphibious attack as well from the Gulf, with the help of the Cubans.

Why would the Russians be parading their tanks in Nicaragua? Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to send a delegation? It would be but that is not the objective. The clear objective is to hide these tanks in plain sight. They can only be there for one purpose and it’s not to participate in parades. 

Let me play the role of Captain Obvious. The domestic coordination of Russian troop build up in this hemisphere coordinated with the emergence of 5th column terrorist activity within the United States cannot be dismissed as coincidence.

This is the beginning of the take down of America. I personally suspect that these forces along with riots, which will be artificially created (eg Antifa) along with embedded terrorists and embedded Chinese are about to unleashed upon America in advance of the election that the Deep State democrats will learn that they cannot win.

Armed revolution with the combined forces of foreign militaries and domestic terrorists will comprise the Red Dawn force. The threat is taking shape in a clear and definable manner.

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of ThinkAboutIt.news and ThinkAboutIt.online. The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

8 Comments on "Takedown Of America Has Begun"

  1. In the movie Red Dawn (1984), they explain that a 5th column comes up through our open southern border and causes so much havoc when the war begins that the Latin Americans walk right in. Even if this scenario were nothing but fiction (which it may be), it is insane to keep an open border like the United States has as encourage the possibility of it.

  2. In the movie Red Dawn (1984), they explain that a 5th column comes up through our open southern border and causes so much havoc when the war begins that the Latin Americans walk right in. Even if this scenario were nothing but fiction (which it may be), it is insane to keep an open border like the United States has as encourage the possibility of it.

  3. To me it doesn’t matter if it’s the Chinese, Russians, or the Jewish elite America is STILL just as gone. America has ALREADY been under occupation for years by the global elite and her wealth has been plundered, her citizens robbed blind while the American citizenry is mesmerized by the theater in DC. It’s NOT just the “Deep State Democrats” the GOP is very much controlled by the SAME people.

    This can’t be blamed on anyone BUT the US people. THEY have allowed the subversion of their government and homeland. It’s disgusting to see what we have become.

  4. Please contact me. I have important news from Africa support gun ownership. I was jailed with 3,500 farmers and our wives & kids when we opposed the government. Because they changed the law, we could not protect our property or shoot in self-defence. We were beaten into submission and our farms and business were occupied by militia who like Antifa are an extra-government tool to terrorise.

    I was jailed ten-months and endured torture. My hotel and farms were stolen and I was forced to flee the country of my birth. I now live in a neighbouring state. I am still not free because they are in collusion with my country of birth.

    I have had 87 break and entries in 19 months; I was shot at thrice over two years. I have had two knife fight with intruders in my home. The police refuse to take action even when I have disarmed and arrested the criminals. I have recorded confessions and the court has released them because they said the videos are inadmissible evidence without the presence of the station commander. So I asked the station commander to witness and he refused to interview the suspects. After those incidents, the police flatly refused to come and collect criminals after I catch them. I am a sixty-year-old man, outnumbered by my attackers and by the grace of God I have succeeded in keeping myself alive thus far. I have photographs and videos to prove this.

    I recognise the same pattern occurring in America. The Democrats and the Republicans are inflitrated by who now decide to selectively prosecute or engage to protect the public. If you are a Democrat you can grab pussy in Congress. If you are a Democrat you can lie about the President. If you are a Democrat you can fund the businesses in China take American jobs. If you are a Democrat you can burn property like Antifa and you can disrupt properly licensed Republican marches like Charlotteville. The communists in infiltrated the Democrats first and now have 83 Republicans most as sleepers to assist them with important bills and possibly the impeachment. The communists put men like Brennan, Comey, Clapper, McCabe at the top of FBI, CIA, DoJ.

    I want to support America by showing you what communism has dome to Europe and Africa because Americans don’t follow history. The Bolsheviks put their men into Russia, Maoists, Put their men into China, Kim Sung family did the same in North Korea, Africa did it with 54/54 states – they are all now communist. Europe is ready to fall. They are all infiltrating and Australasia is gone. The USA is the last man standing and there is only one leader holding America from the Abyss. That is President Trumps Republican but flawed party. One third of Republicans are traitors. This is how the socialist work.

    Americans have to get their right to posse back. It was sneaked through the Senate last you on I think 17th September if my memory is right. I do not believe they processed it and that resolution can be overturned. Americans must demand that right back. Use Tom Fitton to take this to the Constitutional Court to avoid the need for another vote and have it set aside. Then use your right to posse to arrest people like Pelosi, Schiff, Brennan, Pelosi, Stzrok, Page and to force an immediate trial,.. I read the process for a posse is to go to the Sherriff to get him to lead the posse and then to arrest the person and hold them long enough to arrange a trial. It can be arranged by any citizen as long as there is a clear breach of the Consitution. Trying to remove the Presiden through the 2016 Collegiate, the Russia Invetsigation and now the Ukraine gives clear right to defend your president.

    I want to help. I will send you a lot of information to prove how communism targets the gun laws to make you soft targets. I want you guys to get off your asses, to form a posse and go protect your President. I do believe that this attempted impeachment gives you grounds for urgency. So you need to find a lawyer among you who wants to make his name, to prepare your Petition to the Constitutional Court to set aside the vote on the abolition of the posse, to free you to storm congress.

  5. This man is dead on target Steve.we must figure out a way to act bf they do.we cannot sit on our hands anymore.god bless you.

  6. So we need a website that lists everyone who is registered Democrat with their addresses attached. So when the war starts we know who to target. Thanks.

  7. I want to say this with respect, but this is in my heart. There was a video I watched where a man’s email was addressed, then a video made about a sleeping church. I would like to say this because I have seen myself do the exact same thing. That is, I didn’t notice the man saying he didn’t recognize what you were saying, on the contrary, he actually said he did. So, he isn’t asleep. There are new Christian’s, immature Christian’s, non-Christians who don’t understand that they are protected by God. I am not saying we can’t get sick, or hurt, or even die,we can. What he was addressing is that with our mind we do have protection. We have the mind of Christ, we don’t have the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a SOUND MIND. There are Christian’s who do deal with some forms of mental illnesses, they may have depression, chemical imbalances of some sort, which may make them bipolar or depressed, Christian’s can have autism or terets, but we do have the promise in the Bible of freedom from fear. But, people do need to understand these things. There is also a verse that tells us that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. There isn’t as much meat being taught in churches today, and a whole lot of people are driven by their feelings as it is. I believe we can be speaking the truth, standing for truth and somewhere loose perspective kn some things, and become almost harsh, and in some cases lose reality on some things. He never said he wanted his ears tickled. He neve said that he had his head in the sand and only wanted peaches and cream. What he was saying is we need to be careful how we say things and there has to be some measure of grace in our tone and some encouragement in there as well. He was addressing that there are also encouraging words for things going on in the world. You never reminded your listeners that they have the helmet of salvation. Or they have the mind of Christ, or we should be living outside of the spirit of fear. Not the same as not being scared if something happens, or even nervous about things that are being implemented, we should, we should stand against it, and we are not above becoming sick. But,Crazy should not be an option for a Christian. We have the fruit of the spirit in which one is self control. People need to know this. As a true follower of Jesus Christ, and having faith and trusting Him, we have the promise that He has overcome this world.

  8. Well, non-Christians don’t have all the protective benefits of God, but if God’s hand is on them, they will. I threw in non-Christians in that post. I got ahead of myself. Those 3 categories of people are vulnerable, and need to be treated with extra caution to not to be being brought into the spirit of fear. Not, just having some fear, or in some cases being afraid, but being brought into literal fear, which can cause people to be shipwrecked, and also can cause them to panic and lose faith.

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