President Trump

Tump poisoned

President Trump Poisoned

Was President Trump tested for possible “deliberate poisoning of food” with a “time delayed” chemical agent? His food tester became gravely ill and that’s the concern for the President now.

Hope Of Saving America Is Dying

The globalists forces that dominate the Deep State are much more powerful and are omnipresent in their opposition to any form of American populism.

Wars And Rumors Of Wars

The hints of the coming World War III are turning into more than a whisper. Jesus Christ told his disciples about what people would see who are living in the last days…. 6 “You will hear…


America Is Being Invaded And War Has Started

War is going on against America NOW, but you won’t hear anything about it on mainstream media, all you’ll hear is the constant attacks against President Trump and those supporters who are accused of being…


Obama Is Running Martial Law In America

What most people fail to realize is that we’ve been living under many forms of “martial law” put in place by Barack Obama that are still damaging America and its citizens to this very day….


Globalists Plan To Destroy America With Calexit

If President Trump had not been elected, the globalists would have the United States in rampant dissolution by now with their Calexit plan. The combination of history and what’s going on now, paint a picture…