Never Has U.S. Survival Depended On One Man So VERY Much
Will we even survive another year, or will this be the demise of a nation filled with the division we’ve allowed to fester like a boil, infecting and poisoning our nation now?
Read MoreWill we even survive another year, or will this be the demise of a nation filled with the division we’ve allowed to fester like a boil, infecting and poisoning our nation now?
Read MoreThere have been accusations and allegations against President Trump of his collusion with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, ever since the MSM got their marching orders from…
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer gives his testimony that proves the New World Order Illuminati Is Real And Secretly Running The World. Why listen…
It was a well-dressed man under the pseudonym of “R.C. Christian” who appeared in Elberton, GA in June 1979 who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones. Who…
The UN will take our guns and Obama was the setup man in which he was to erase as many civil liberties as possible. His…
There’s a famous line from the classic movie, “Animal House” where John Belushi said: “Did we give up after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?” It’s…