They Will Be Held Responsible!
Those who are not “low information” can see what’s been happening to our world and WHY, but the masses are still blind.
Read MoreThose who are not “low information” can see what’s been happening to our world and WHY, but the masses are still blind.
Read MoreThis “plannedemic” is the MOST evil and insidious psyop the world has ever believed. When most find this out, it will be too late. For many it already is.
The globalists had the CDC write this plan up in 2001 after the twin towers. Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff always said, ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.’
With Biden in the White House, there is no longer any ambiguity about what conservatives (and some of the more courageous moderates) need to do and need to accomplish.