So You STILL Believe It’s A Conspiracy Theory?
It’s really hard to believe that there are STILL people that believe the lie that “chemtrails” are just natural “contrails” from jet airplanes!
Read MoreIt’s really hard to believe that there are STILL people that believe the lie that “chemtrails” are just natural “contrails” from jet airplanes!
Read MoreThe globalists aren’t even trying to hide it anymore, but actually “admit” that they’re chemtrailing (spraying geoengineered heavy metals and toxic materials) the earth in…
What if I told you “they” are killing us using geoengineering chemtrails for a very malevolent purpose and you don’t believe it? Have you been…
Morgellons, Chimeras, Chemtrail death spraying are some of the scientific “methods” that mankind is experimenting with. I was going to say advances, but much of…
The population is asleep to the mass chemtrail mind control secret the globalists have been practicing right in our faces! More insidious than anything going…
Chemtrails have been sprayed on the entire world population and yet few people even notice. Apparently, most people are just too busy to even look…