Is The Strange BOOM We Hear Aurora?

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Our house shook slightly, but the boom was loud. Other accounts just 12 miles north of us were more dramatic.

What caused these loud Booms we heard?

In 2014 about this same time, they said, “The booms heard Friday in the Tampa Bay area’s coastal counties are a result of a military weapons system test, according to emergency management officials in Gilchrist County.

This was the report last year anyway.

But here in my area, we are experiencing the same things as they did last year. Are they military weapons being tested or perfected?

Is it related to


or some other aerial super weapon?

State officials told people that the sounds were likely a result of high speed military maneuvers.


is said to fly at Mach 11.8 speed. But, is that all we’re hearing?

“Confirmation was received by the Gilchrist County Emergency Management that the loud booms heard were a ‘Weapons Systems Test’ 150 miles off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico,” the Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office reported on its website and Facebook page last year.

Gilchrist officials said the testing is a joint operation between U.S. Navy and Air Force.

The loud boom that was heard by residents in an area stretching from Tampa Bay to North Florida was the result of a weapons system test 150 miles off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico is the official story line all the media outlets are reporting.

You mean that we can hear that for 250 miles up the state? That doesn’t work.

According to NASA, the width of the boom “carpet” beneath the aircraft is about one mile for each 1000 feet of altitude. An aircraft, for example, flying supersonic at 50,000 feet can produce a sonic boom cone about 50 miles wide.

That wouldn’t explain the boom being heard for 5 times that distance! So what did cause this phenomenon?

Last year around this time people in Florida counties, Levy, Citrus, Hernando, Pasco and Pinellas were reporting the boom.

The military calls it “Whiskey 470,” a roughly 200-rectangular-mile patch of airspace over the Gulf of Mexico about 30 miles northwest of Tampa.

US Super Weapons – US Secret Space Weapons – New US Military Weapons

It’s a place where “pilots learn how to fly one of the newest and most sophisticated fighters” in the Air Force inventory.

Few people outside of military and aviation circles have heard about Whiskey 470.

What exactly are they testing? That LOUD BOOM isn’t nothing! In fact, it’s something that sounds VERY powerful.

People are calling the authorities and saying that “their houses are shaking and windows rattling.” This was last year and now it’s happening again.

Whiskey 470 is part of a much larger area called the Gulf of Mexico Complex, stretching to about 20 miles east of the Louisiana coastline.

Like much of the U.S., Florida is surrounded by restricted airspace. South of Whiskey 470 is Whiskey 168, from just south of Tampa to around the Florida Keys. The Federal Aviation Administration considers these “warning areas,” where the military trains and civilian aircraft can enter only after coordinating with the military.

The FAA, has formal agreements with the Pentagon over airspace use.

Tyndall is home to the 43rd Fighter Squadron, the nation’s only F-22 Raptor training unit, and pilots routinely fly through the warning area practicing aerial combat.

“Not only do pilots learn how to fly the F-22, they learn how to fight it too in that airspace.” The pilots take on other manned aircraft as well as remotely piloted F-4 Phantoms.

They have also trained in Whiskey 151, to the west of Whiskey 470. Called a Weapons Systems Evaluation Program, the exercise involves about 30 jets from various bases in the region, including F-15 Eagles and F-16 Falcons as well as the Raptors.

During the exercise, jets fire air-to-air missiles at small jet-powered drones called Fire bees and the remotely piloted Phantoms for target practice.

In 2013, there were 10 such exercises, and more than 330 air-to-air missiles were fired in total during those exercises.

It was speculated last year that the most likely cause of the “booms” was noise produced by the Raptors, which can fly up to 1,500 mph, or about twice the speed of sound.

Shock waves are created in front of an aircraft traveling at the speed of sound, or about 750 mph, and sonic booms are created when aircraft fly faster than the speed of sound, and break through the shock waves.

But the booms could also have been caused by the Eagles, with a top speed of 1,875 mph or Falcons, with a top speed of 1,345 mph, engaging with the Raptors during dog fights in Whiskey 470, or while on the way to their training mission in Whiskey 151.

The problem with that theory is, wouldn’t we hear many more “booms” if there were that many jets causing the BOOMS?

The Russians claim the noises are an advanced weapon system we are using. A Russian politician claimed the meteor which struck the country in May of 2013, was actually a clandestine American weapons test while claims have emerged that a sonic boom was also felt in Cuba.

Authorities said a 10 ton space rock, traveling at a speed of 33,000mph, hit the Earth’s atmosphere with a force equivalent to 30 of the atomic bombs which destroyed the city of Hiroshima. (That’s what I call typical story line propaganda.)

auroraThe astonishing event on that Friday morning blew out windows in more than 4,000 buildings and injured some 1,200 people, largely with cuts from the flying glass.

But in a twist that reads like a piece of Soviet-era propaganda, firebrand politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky said, “what really happened was an act of provocation by the U.S.”

Zhirinovsky said, “Those aren’t meteorites falling. It’s the Americans trying out a new weapon.”

He backed up his astonishing claim arguing that newly appointed U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry had been trying to reach Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov all day, “to warn him that there would be such a provocation, and it might affect Russia.”

It’s so secret, its existence is not even acknowledged. It’s the futuristic ‘Aurora’ spy plane that travels at SIX TIMES the speed of sound and is blamed for mysterious booms heard.

The origin of the mysterious bangs heard across the world are yet to be “officially” identified. But, just like it happened barely over a year ago in December 2014, the loud BOOMS are back again!

A leading theory is that they were created by an aircraft possibly traveling at supersonic or “hyper sonic speeds.”

This has led conspiracy theorists to attribute the booms to a spy plane rumored to be under development by the US military, under the code name Aurora.

Dr Bhupendra Khandelwal, an engineering research associate from Sheffield, UK, claims the loud bangs were created by a type of experimental jet engine called a pulse detonation engine.

People described it as “loud enough to shake their homes and rattle windows.”

Aurora is rumored to be an ultra top secret aircraft that has been in development since 1989.

It could be a successor to the Mach 3.35 Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird craft that was retired in 1998.

Extreme reports claim the Aurora could hit up to Mach 11.8.

These claims originated in Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, which ran an article in 1989 about a mysterious entry in the 1985 US budget.

The entry said $445 million was attributed to “black aircraft production” under the name Aurora.

F22 RaptorOther reports suggest the Aurora program kicked off at Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks in 1987.

In November 2013, Lockheed Martin announced it was developing for its SR-72 spy plane.

Dr Bhupendra Khandelwal, an engineering research associate from Sheffield UK, believes what may have caused the “booms” heard over the UK and New York, is called a pulse detonation engine (PDE), or pulse detonation wave engine (PDWE).

At regular speeds, the craft would be powered by a traditional jet engines built into the lower fuselage.

Once it hits supersonic speed, the PDE takes over.

A PDE works by sending liquid methane or liquid hydrogen into the engine. The fuel mist is then ignited.

This detonation is made inside a specially designed chamber and occurs when the aircraft is traveling beyond the speed of sound.

At these speeds, a “thrust wall” is created.

This is when the craft is traveling so fast, air is pushed near the nose that creates a “wall.”

When the detonation occurs, the aircraft’s thrust wall is pushed forward, and this is repeated numerous times to propel the aircraft forward.

Alternatively, pulse jets could compress the air caused as the craft travels forward to make it more streamline, while fuel is ignited in a combustion chamber.

The pressure of the expanding gases in this chamber then propel the jet forward.

The technology builds upon “pulsejet” principles which first emerged in the early 1900s and were used in German V-1 flying bombs.

Known and Rumored Black Operations

What goes boom in the night may just be one of these Aurora super jets!

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

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