WHY Are They Probing US Border Defenses?

mexican military

The mainstream media would actually have America believe that the recent border incursion is just an unavoidable and simple accident in just another “no harm-no foul” incident on the southern border, when in fact the exact opposite is true.

The border crisis and the declared state of emergency in Yuma, Arizona highlight the reality that things are going from bad to worse… READ: The overall plan to destroy America.

The US was stunned by the reports of Mexican military personnel taking two US soldiers captive at gunpoint on the US side of the border. However, the disinformation agents soon spring into action and take control of the narrative with the following narrative that was parroted all across the mainstream media.

From Newsweek (April of 2019):

Two U.S. Army soldiers sat in an unmarked Chevrolet Tahoe owned by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on the west side of an El Paso County, Texas, Colonia known as Las Pampas.

It was April 13, and the Army sergeant and private had set up a hasty observation post north of the Rio Grande River, but south of the border fence in U.S. territory. The soldiers were members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington.

The unit, part of the southwest border mission President Donald Trump first ordered in October 2018, recently had their deployment extended to September.

At roughly 2:00 p.m. local time, the soldiers observed five to six individuals dressed in green pixelated military camouflage uniforms and carrying weapons, which appeared to be FX-05 Xiuhcoatl, an assault rifle designed and built for the Mexican armed forces.

The armed men swiftly approached the U.S. service members, crossing over from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River into U.S. territory, ordering the soldiers out of their vehicle at gunpoint.

What transpired on that afternoon of April 13 near the small town of Clint, Texas, underscores the confusion between the physical location of the border fence and where the geographical U.S.-Mexico border begins and ends…

So, the American public is supposed to believe, that despite enormous profits from cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines, the Mexican military cannot afford to arm its drug transporting soldiers with GPS devices so they stop “getting lost”. The Mexican military has been “getting lost” for a long time. This is TOTAL NONSENSE!

Twelve years ago, Fox News reported the following in 2007:

 National Guard troops working at an observatory post near the Mexican border were forced to flee after being approached by a group of armed individuals, authorities said.

The event occurred about 11 p.m. Wednesday at one of the National Guard entrance identification team posts near Sasabe, said National Guard Sgt. Edward Balaban.

He said the troops withdrew safely, no shots were fired and no one suffered injuries.

U.S. Border Patrol officials are investigating the incident and trying to determine who the armed people were, what they were doing and why they approached the post before retreating to Mexico.

Lies and MORE Lies

Despite the mainstream media protests that these Mexican military incursions are merely “misunderstandings and unfortunate accidents”, past news events reveal the true nature of the threat.

From a 2011 ABC News Report:

More than 30 soldiers in the Mexican Army crossed the border into Texas in Humvees on Tuesday before being processed and allowed to return to Mexico.

According to Customs and Border Patrol spokesman Rick Pauza, the accidental invasion occurred when 33 soldiers in four Humvees started crossing a bridge across the Rio Grande at Donna, Texas, and then realized they couldn’t turn their vehicles around without entering the U.S.

A local newspaper, the Monitor of McAllen, Texas, reported that the Mexicans were chasing a resident of South Texas when they drove onto the bridge.

Without addressing the reason for the crossing, Pauza confirmed to ABC News that the incident had occurred and called it “inadvertent.”…

The disinformation of the MSM is exposed in the following CNN report as one can clearly see the threatening nature of these Mexican military incursions into the United States. 

From a CNN report published as far back as 2008:

Seven members of the Mexican military were found inside the United States on Friday, telling border agents they had become disoriented while on patrol and accidentally crossed into the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said.

The incident began about 8 a.m. Friday, when the Border Patrol’s Yuma, Arizona, sector was notified that a military-style Hummer was broken down, Customs and Border Patrol said in a written statement.

Agents said they found the vehicle about 200 yards from the Colorado River, and the seven individuals were dressed in military-style clothing. Customs and Border Patrol later determined that the troops’ entry was unauthorized.

The soldiers, weapons and vehicle were repatriated and “remanded into the custody of their commanding officer,” the Border Patrol said. The incident remains under investigation, and the Border Patrol’s Office of Internal Affairs was notified, the statement said.

“This is not an uncommon occurrence,” Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, told CNN. “Often times, it is the result of the Mexican military providing cover essentially for drug transportation across into our country, and/or creating a diversion so it will draw our people away from the place where the drugs are coming across.”

In August, the Border Patrol said Mexican troops had crossed the border illegally 42 times since October 2007.

From the period of time ranging from 2010-2014, it has been well documented that the Mexican military has illegally crossed the southern border with the United States as documented by the following two videos.

In the following video, we see actual motion-activated video of Mexican soldiers transporting drugs into the United States. You can also see the sophisticated evasion tactics to avoid detection and the sophistication of these forces would rival anything that the Viet Cong employed during the Vietnam war.

Mexicans have been caught imitating Border Patrol and DHS agents. American military uniforms, along with uniforms from the Border Patrol and DHS have recently been seized at the border. 

At what point should the United States speculate that at least some of the Mexican military incursions in the US are part of a probling action designed to test US response in preparation for a Red Dawn attack.

Unfortunately, there is no conclusion for this story yet. This is an ongoing drama that will not end well.

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About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of ThinkAboutIt.news and ThinkAboutIt.online. The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

1 Comment on "WHY Are They Probing US Border Defenses?"

  1. Randy Calvin Huggins | May 20, 2019 at 4:42 am | Reply

    No one ever talks about the disease that they bring with them such as the musicals Ebola you name it and it’s coming across

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