By Mike Adams
Nothing scares authoritarian-minded Leftists more than the word “militia.” It brings to their twisted minds images of banjos and chew spit drool, long beards and camo-printed underwear, smoking hot AR-15s and rustic American flags. The delusional, lawless Left is absolutely convinced that militias are somehow illegal, even when they are specifically named in the Second Amendment, and Leftists apparently have no clue that militias largely consist of present or former members of law enforcement or the U.S. military, along with a wide array of law-abiding citizens who share a common desire to defend the republic and preserve the rule of law.
Now, militias are exploding in popularity across America, right alongside 2A sanctuaries (“gun sanctuaries”) which are suddenly skyrocketing in popularity in states way beyond Virginia. Think Oregon, Illinois, New Mexico, Washington and even California, among other states.
This has set the radical Left into a total panic, and they’re desperately trying to pressure liberal lawmakers to find some way to declare militias to be illegal. Democrat-run Virginia is attempting to pass a new law, SB64, that would achieve that goal, criminalizing all self-defense training activities overnight, even ensnaring martial arts instructors and concealed carry firearms instructors as felons.
The radical Left started the whole “sanctuary” movement… now they’re watching in terror at what they’ve unleashed
What’s especially ironic about all this is that it’s the lawless Left that started the whole “sanctuary” movement which set the precedent of states, counties or municipalities declaring themselves immune from laws they don’t like. Of course, for the radical Left, their sanctuaries were all about protecting illegal aliens and granting them legal immunity, even if they were rapists, murderers or child traffickers. There’s no crime too extreme for a Leftist to ignore when they’re trying to grow their voting base with more illegals, it turns out.
Having established the “sanctuary” movement themselves, the Left is now screaming bloody murder at the spontaneous uprisings of “gun sanctuaries” — counties or cities that declare they will not follow laws which trample the Second Amendment rights of their citizens. According to the hypocritical Left, gun sanctuaries are illegal, but their own illegal immigration sanctuaries must be respected. That’s the Left for you: If they didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all.
For example, just yesterday, National File reported that Virginia’s Attorney General has officially declare 2A sanctuary counties and cities in Virginia to be illegal. As reported by Frankine Stockes:
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring issued an advisory opinion on the Commonwealth’s ever-growing 2nd Amendment sanctuary movement Friday morning, saying the resolutions passed by over 100 Virginia localities have “no legal effect.”
In Virginia, a reported 90+ counties and municipalities have declared pro-2A sanctuary status. As of 12/19, the tally was 85 counties, 9 cities and 17 towns. The pro-2A map of Virginia looks like this (where green means pro-2A): (source:

A similar movement is spontaneously spreading to many other states, increasingly shaping those states into what can only be described as Democrat-controlled capital cities surrounded by pro-2A counties populated by real Americans.
In almost every state in America, the Democrats are literally surrounded by gun-owning, pro-2A Americans who are sick and tired of being censored, slandered and threatened by authoritarian Democrats. And the uprising against that tyranny looks like the map you see above: An explosion of 2A sanctuary counties.
The movement is spreading like wildfire across America, effectively drawing the battle lines of the coming civil war which seems on the verge of breaking out at almost any moment.
“An armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics — that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe…” – James Madison (First Inaugural Address, Saturday, March 4, 1809.)
Militia groups are also exploding in popularity nationwide
What’s really causing the deranged, mentally ill Left to panic, however, is the uptick in militia membership nationwide. We’re hearing from multiple sources that militia membership is up everywhere, and new militia organizations are popping into existence in several states.
Monday morning, Law Enforcement Today reported on how Tazewell County, Virginia is crafting a militia to defend the Constitution in the state. And within hours, we were flooded with thousands of emails from people across the state – police officers, veterans, and patriotic Americans – who said they are joining.
“I always thought these militia folks were nuts,” wrote one man to LET. “As a retired law enforcement officer, I saw them as running against law enforcement. Now I realize that they are often made up of LE and we need to bridge that divide. The nation is turning upside down. That’s why I joined in Oregon.”

Open discussion boards like Modern Militia Movement ( appear to be experiencing brisk activity, too. The site’s guidelines are clearly stated on its home page:
It is the duty of the citizen’s militia’s to protect and defend the unalienable rights of all members of their communities. Under no circumstances will the Modern Militia Movement, tolerate those who advocate acts of criminal violence, terrorism, or a change from our Republic form of government; nor will it support any specific political party or candidate, nor espouse any particular religious denomination or doctrine. All members must understand the duties and obligation of both citizens and government under the United States Constitution.
That’s a far cry from what Leftists think militias are all about, of course.
As Lone Star Watchmen, a Texas militia group, describes itself:
First and foremost we are your average American citizens, we have pride and express it. We are doctors, lawyers, your firemen, and EMT in your local community. We are your citizen soldiers who always ready to serve. We are dads and moms, we are American Citizens. We come together as a group united by our moral beliefs, and our loyalty to our Constitution and Texas. We live by and support what the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights decrees.
Lone Star Watchmen even specifically spells out what they are not:
We are not revolutionaries. We are not a hate group. We are not Anti-Goverment. We are, however, in favor of promoting education and resources for the protection against Tyranny and the corruption of Government officials, bad and unconstitutional legislation and/or policies.
One county in Virginia — Tazewell — has just passed a new ordinance to actually create a militia. As LET reports, “the new ordinance calls for concealed weapons training for any resident of the county that can lawfully own a gun.”
The III% Security Force group (also known as the III% Patriot Militia) describes itself as:
…[P]atriotic men and women who will uphold the Constitution, defend themselves and the states we are present in, from all enemies foreign and domestic. We are an active militia. By requesting to join you agree to start the process of becoming an active, trained, and vetted member of III% Security Force. We love our country, our freedom, and our liberty and we will always have the right to defend it. If this sounds like a militia you would be interested in, join us.
Note: The people in these “militias” are patriots. They’re NOT the bad guys. The politicians that are trying to usurp authority that the constitution provides for all Americans are the BAD guys! Regardless of the misinformation and globalist controlled media reports and LIES.
I was looking for the video pulled off of youtube??