Is America Prepared For This Level Of Heartache?


Article By Mike Adams

I am cursed with the Cassandra Complex. It means you can see the future but when you tell people about it, no one believes you.

So over the last year or so, I’ve been explaining the arriving future — the events you are seeing unfold now — in a series of podcasts that openly and unambiguously revealed exactly what we are seeing today. Here are just a few of the titles and links to those podcasts posted over the last year and a half:

If people knew what was coming, ALL survival supplies would be wiped out right now (three months ago)

Why the coming COLLAPSE will be far worse in left-wing cities (six months ago)

Bill Gates has a plan for mass genocide on a planetary scale (six months ago)

COLLAPSE is coming: Be prepared to LIVE with LESS (seven months ago)

Modern society is more FRAGILE than you think (eight months ago)

How to survive the global CULLING of the human race (ten months ago)

Your window for PREPAREDNESS is rapidly CLOSING (twelve months ago)

When the SUPPLY LINES crater, how will you survive? (fourteen months ago)

Prediction for 2019: The coming COLLAPSE of Communist China (over fourteen months ago)

CounterThink: The End Game Approaches – Global DEPOPULATION  (about 16 months ago)

So now, when we see the stock market plunging 25% and an engineered biological weapon deployed to exterminate the human population, I am not the least bit surprised. In fact, I saw it coming as you can see from the podcast titles above.

And 22 days ago, I posted this last-ditch warning to all, weeks before most Americans had any clue what was coming:

Of course, nobody likes a know-it-all, and that’s not my intention here. I only offer this brief history so that you know what I’m about to say is grounded in reality and a track record of calling things with an uncanny sense of foresight.

So here’s a short list of what’s about to occur. Plan accordingly. You can either believe me now or believe me later, but it will be increasingly painful the longer you wait to embrace what’s coming:

Events you will see emerging soon

– Amazon will begin shutting down fulfillment warehouses as infections spread through staffers there. order fulfillment will crater. Supply lines of products to many consumers will collapse, especially as certain cities go under lockdown.

– Domestic air travel will be shut down from airports and regions that are being hit the hardest: Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, NYC, Atlanta and Denver. Eventually, all commercial air traffic may be shut down for a while. Expect to see airports start to close within 10 days or sooner.

Hospitals will be overrun in several US cities, including Seattle and NYC. We are about 3-4 weeks away from those regions becoming “Italy” in the sense of exploding cases requiring hospitalization. The near-total lack of CDC testing of US patients for the coronavirus is only going to make this situation more disastrous. (It was all done on purpose, of course, to hurt Trump.)

– President Trump will declare a national emergency. (Which he did today 3/13/20) He will deploy the military to support US infrastructure (mostly medical infrastructure). The National Guard will be deployed in most large cities across both coasts. Looting and lawlessness will explode in those cities until the Guard comes in to restore order. Los Angeles may become an active domestic war zone.

– More heads of state will be confirmed as infected (not just the wife of Justin Trudeau), and this may even include President Trump. A significant percentage of Congress will become infected. Older members of the US Congress / Senate will begin to die from the coronavirus because they are all Big Pharma prostitutes and they will not use vitamin C, spirulina, elderberry or other things to boost their immune systems, so they will die as the whores they became by selling out America to Big Pharma.

– Some banks will begin to fail. Globally. It will become increasingly obvious to many that central banks may have reached their limit of influence on financial markets, and we may be looking at the beginning of the end of the current global system of debt creation. If a certain critical mass of banks fail, the cascading effects become globally catastrophic, and perhaps even fatal. We could be looking at a global reset of the entire finance infrastructure.

– In the aftermath of all this, by the way, America will have a whole new insanely horrible homeless problem as people who currently are barely holding on to rent arrangements or home ownership are clobbered by the economic shutdown. They will end up on the streets. Homelessness will explode in cities across America, coming to smaller towns that never saw it before. Homeless camps will rapidly expand in size and filth, and these camps will harbor mutations of the coronavirus, “seeding” the rest of the population in an ongoing basis that will make any attempt to permanently snuff out the virus virtually impossible.

– Some smaller cities and towns will erect their own local form of “martial law” — i.e. local militia control over all traffic in and out. The federal government’s failings will lead to a rapid decentralization away from federal resources and increased reliance on local power. In effect, many small towns will attempt to wall themselves off from the rest of collapsing society.

– By the time this is all said and done, no one will have any remaining shred of faith in the CDC, the FDA or the federal government. It could very well be the beginning of the end of the United States of America as we know it… something I have repeatedly predicted in my Health Ranger Report podcasts, where I boldly projected that President Trump would be the last president of the USA as we know it.

– All the idiots stocking up on toilet paper and nothing else will soon come to realize if you don’t buy food, you won’t need toilet paper. People in many cities are right now on the verge of total panic. NYC is already right on the cusp of devolving into widespread panic, looting and crime sprees.

– The stock market carnage has only just begun, yet sheeple will not sell their stocks until they lose a lot more money. I’m having conversations with people right now that go something like this:

THEM: Gosh, you were right, the market really plunged! I’ve lost about 25%.

ME: It’s not too late to sell your overpriced stocks, because the market will probably continue to plunge a lot more before this ends.

THEM: But if I sell now, I will lose 25%. I’d rather just hold it and wait for the bounce.

ME: If you don’t sell now, you will lose 50%. Why would you want to hold on to something you know is going to continue to lose value?

THEM: Because I don’t want to take the loss now.

ME: No losses or gains are realized until you sell the asset. You haven’t taken a loss until you sell. It seems you would rather sell once you have achieved a much more painful loss. Is that your plan?

THEM: No, I just don’t want to turn the paper loss into a real loss.

ME: You are playing mind games with yourself, and in the end you will sell in a panic and lose almost everything… etc.

In other words, sheeple always buy high and sell low. This is why they get financially murdered during market swings. They follow the herd and believe the drivel they hear on Fox News or from Rush Limbaugh. They will finally sell once blood is in the streets and they panic. That will be the LOW of the market. That’s the time for the rest of us to buy. (Smart people buy low and sell high, and they do so without allowing rash emotions to drive their decisions.)

If you refuse to plan for the pandemic, at least plan for your funeral

If you still find yourself believing Rush Limbaugh, or Dr. Drew, or Fox News or other illiterate denialists who continue to somehow peddle the old “it’s just the flu” lie, then you should make funeral arrangements for yourself, because you aren’t likely to survive what’s coming.

In about another 6-8 weeks, everything I’ve listed above will be considered “obvious.” Right now, you have advanced warning, so use this warning wisely.

I’m not trying to sound arrogant in any of this. I just don’t have time to waste on trying to deal politely with stupid people who are already dead. Don’t waste time with them. Save your family. Stop trying to convince others. If they don’t get it by now, they’re too mentally incapacitated to survive. Be prepared to defend your supplies, by the way, because those are the very same people who will come to loot your food and leave you starving or dead after they realize that you prepared but they failed to.

Remember what I’ve always said: The greatest danger in any collapse scenario is the masses of unprepared, desperate people. That’s why we call it the “zombie apocalypse.”

You’ve also heard me say, over and over again, that cities will be the death hubs in any collapse.

Here’s today’s map from the NYT, in case you were wondering what I’ve been referring to. Notice where the outbreaks are occurring? Ask yourself this question right now: How far away do I want to be from these outbreak hubs?

Right now, Idaho is looking pretty sweet for a place to be.

If you want to live, read If you prefer to die, listen to any CIA-controlled fake news media outlet, which is basically the entire media.

Views: 4

About the Author

Steve Allen
About the Author: I’m just another voice crying out for truth in a society that seems content to stay asleep. My name is Steve Allen and I’m the publisher of and The controversial opinions in this article are either mine alone or a guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. This article may contain opinions on political matters, but it is not intended to promote the candidacy of any particular political candidate. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Steve Allen or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. Follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and any way that you can share these articles with others is a great help. Thank you, Steve

4 Comments on "Is America Prepared For This Level Of Heartache?"

  1. Thank you for investing your time and resources into providing this news and info.

  2. I find ts the ONLY organization, which happily is Godly.. And are bold enough to tell the real truth. I an continually amazed how so many are totally blinded by this world; and without any though whatsoever choose to believe a total lie. I wonder how they can accept whats happenig and actually defend globalst. i.e. the satanic plot to rule the world. No matter who if they believe the media, run by ” elte” globalist, satanic movement to enslave all people. No matter what actual FACTS not lies, they simpy refuse to beleve. I have never seen such deception of the masses, ever before. This is right before everyonres eyes , and still too many simply choose not to believe. At first I thougt, well when this continues they wiil will have no choice, it’s too obvious. Wrong , theres an old saying: the bigger the lie, the more people will believe. I find tht absolutely true. Well, until its too late. Knowing the Lord or the Lord knowing me, teachings in His Word and people called to preach or teach to many , His plan, what’s happening now was knownnat least to me, 35 or more years ago. Many people wrote books about this. When it starts coming to pass it gets very real quickly. Still as people its a shock that hey this is happening in my lifetime, The evil which God always uses for His plans, is the darkest wickedness I have ever seen and also felt spirtually. Thank God His Spirit s far far above satanic wickedness which is total depravitty not too many can even grasp. We work for God our Father and stand against darkness. The power that comee from prayer is underestimated. There is no power like it because t also moves God . He hears every sincere prayer. I could continue , but this is so deep it would take too long. The one thing which strikes me, is only through knowing Him can we even come close to understanding this very complex plan which has been in the works actually since the beginning. God makee that absoutely clear in Genisis. Through all the prophets, Jesus coming for mans redemption of the world. Every disciple, apostle and His Church as a whole. To the last book: Revelations which goes in to detail of His Coming and the things which must happen before. I thank Him He opener my spirituap eyes which none of us could comprehend His Word. We that know Him and those yet to can never give Him what He gave freely to us, i’m very glad He knew that before we were even here. All the research that goes into videos like this is also much work and postively also a gift from Him through those called to give knoweledge and also strengthens our faith and hope through His love freely given through His people: The power of evil is utimately no match whatsoever to God’s Power: The thing evil fears most ie God and God’e people:,Amen

  3. Im sorry steve but this piece by the “Health Ranger” Mike Adams is looking like government propaganda, I figured out a while back he’s controlled opposition. Point in case. The lie of hospital’s being overrun was already proven to be a lie, with people all across the country filming their local hospitals for utube truther channels, including the hospital in New york with tents set out front.all were practically empty.

  4. When President Trump announced the national emergency on Friday March 13 I was truly upset by it, and by Monday morning I decided to take a day off to researc and try to find out all I could about what was happening.I spent all day learning about virology,viruses,the immune system, all from medical papers, studies, white papers, but not one truther channel, because I wanted unbiased medical fact so I could do my own analysis and understand how it all works.I am a servant of God born again over 25 years ago and have the Holy Spirit to guide and lead me into all truth. I found out that they lied about everything. The nature of what a virus actually is and their purpose and forms of transmission. Our own immune system stores both viruses and bacteria that it can use if fever and our white blood cells aren’t adequate in overcoming sickness or a foreign invader of our body. The truly evil part is the 5G they can use to cause cell sickness, which everyone exposed adequately will show having coronavirus in them, they neglected to EVER SAY its part of our bodys immune system.
    And “viruses dont fly around through the air like a BOOGEYMAN seeking someone to infect.
    The info is still out there but dont use google and be careful of your keywords you use. DON’T use pandemic or covid 19

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