Evil has planned the destruction of this country and one man in particular is pouring money into making it happen, the likes of which we have never seen before in history!
The face of evil comes as a man and his name is
George Soros.
We are witnessing a direct attack on American democracy. These protesters are really the hired mercenary enemies of the American people.
Billionaire left-wing extremist
George Soros
betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazi’s as a Nazi collaborator and has said “he has no regrets.”
George Soros
is very, very rich, but he’s also a “soulless sociopath,” an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.
George Soros and Hitler:
Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself. And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None. He has no conscience and therefore, it’s easy for him to watch as thousands suffer and are slaughtered.
This is the face of pure evil with whom the Democratic party has aligned itself. And the level of lies, deception and total distortion of truth is staggering!
The media and press continue to lie to us. The entire history of America over the last decades has been built upon “lie after lie!”
They pretend that the anti-Trump protests are real “spontaneous events” although the “presstitutes” (sold out media backed networks) know that the “protests” are orchestrated by George Soros and front groups for the Oligarchy such as change.org and other fake progressive groups funded by the oligarchs. (Oligarch: a very rich businessman with a great deal of political influence.)
Soros, and his change.org and various progressive and left wing fronts for the oligarchs “pretend to be for democracy,” but they are acting on behalf of Oligarchy.
George Soros committed or donated $25 million to boosting Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and causes in 2016
Below is an email writer Tyler Durden received from a friend in Massachusetts. They preach peace and love while they commit violence:
This is the email I received regarding immediate organizing to get rid of Trump. JWJ is Jobs for Justice serving Massachusetts with the main group in Boston and the subsidiary in western MA. You appear to be correct, because I rec’d the notice below the day following the election and election results were not even in until 3:00 a.m. Moveon.org was/is behind this one. Moveon.org is link under 3rd local event.
Soros admits, “national borders are the “obstacle” he is fighting against.” Many attempts have been made to expose his funding a vast network of left-wing media outlets, activists, and social justice organizations.
From providing early funding to hard left news outlets such as Salon.com to bankrolling many of the leftists activist groups that descended on Ferguson in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting all the way to literally paying Black Lives Matter to continue to stir up racial anger, Soros seems to have his hands (and money) in everything.
Even with his ties between the ongoing European refugee crisis and his Open Society Foundation, the mainstream media as a whole has largely downplayed this connection, instead opting to shame the people of Europe and the United States into supporting what amounts to the literal destruction of their society.
George Soros has NO interest in saving people fleeing war-torn countries. Stunningly, in an email response given to Bloomberg, Soros literally admitted that his work and money are being put towards destroying the national borders of Europe.
Soros actually admitted that he sees the refugee crisis and the needs of the refugees as more important than the very identity of any country. (Including America!)
And now, the effort to destroy America takes another front. George Soros and other rich liberals who spent tens of millions of dollars trying to elect Hillary Clinton are gathering in Washington for a three-day, closed door meeting to “retool” the big-money left to fight back against Donald Trump.
The conference, at Washington’s pricey Mandarin Oriental hotel, was sponsored by the influential Democracy Alliance donor club, and included appearances by leaders of unions and liberal groups, as well as stars of the left such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, according to documents obtained by POLITICO.
Sessions included gearing up for 2017 and 2018 elections, while others focused on thwarting President-elect Trump’s 100-day plan.
Insurrection planning for our country by these money and power hungry politicians continues…
As these riots grow in intensity and frequency, Trump becomes more a target. Between now and the inauguration Trump is expected to make several public appearances. As the riots grow, so do the threats to President elect Trump.
The rioting serves to mask snipers on the tops of buildings or elsewhere that these evil men would like to plot his demise.
The federal government is at least going through the motions of protecting President elect Trump. They’ve set up a no-fly zone around Trump Tower in NYC and Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s home in Indianapolis.
At the heart of all this is George Soros. Americans should demand his arrest for his repeated acts of domestic terrorism and election tampering.
Meanwhile, the threats continue to grow against Donald Trump.
I have never seen this level of threats from so many sources, related to the assassination of any Presidential candidate or President elect. Yet, the Secret Service and the FBI have done little about it.
Facebook allowed an “Assassinate Donald Trump” page and defended the practice because of their interpretation of freedom of speech. Yet, when questions about Hillary’s health and fitness to serve were posted, people were banned.
The threats against Trump’s life are being fueled by Soros’ thugs who are engaged in rioting because Clinton supporters will not accept the election results.
The establishment are attempting to “desensitize” the public to what they hope will be the assassination of Donald Trump.
The ideology associated with both Barack Obama and George Soros are almost identical. It’s striking that these two men have the same ideology, especially since one allegedly came from the United States and the other came from the Hitler days.
Obama came from one parent that was deep into the Communist ideology while George Soros actually worked for the Nazi regime for awhile.
It’s VERY strange how these two ideologies come to manifest at this day and time. But they are both evil and against a democracy that America was founded on.
Soros and Obama both have come to show a despicable taste for freedom and the United States as demonstrated by their actions and in some cases by their very words.
What is the answer to defending America and her people against a “tyrant criminal” from destroying our country and democracy?
The same thing that defeated all the efforts of these globalists from “gifting” the presidency to Hillary Clinton… Americans standing up against Soros and the globalists evil plans to destroy us and asking for God’s help once again the same way our founding fathers did.
Evil’s name is George Soros, but his plan to destroy America will be crushed by Americans who love freedom and democracy as we support President elect Trump and defend our constitution.
Hi, I’m from Armenia. Now this man is trying to make marijuana legal in Armenia and do his own buisness. As he said: I’m making maney, i do not deal with social concequences. We willn’t trust it.
“The good is in turned in their bones,
But the evil lives on.” William Shakespeare….