DHS Coordinated Massive Censorship Operations With Big Tech
Leaked Documents Confirm that this criminal cabal in DC coordinated operations with big tech to censor our First Amendment rights as citizens.
Read MoreLeaked Documents Confirm that this criminal cabal in DC coordinated operations with big tech to censor our First Amendment rights as citizens.
Read MoreTwo prominent polls released in the past week reveal that Americans’ trust in the mainstream media is at a near all time low, with a significant majority believing that it is a threat to freedom.
The Constitution requires the government to provide solid proof of criminal activity before it can deprive a citizen of life or liberty, but unfortunately the government now ignores and thumbs their nose at that fundamental assurance of due process. They’re the lawless ones now!
The CDC was essentially monitoring if people went to get an illegal haircut, attended an illicit house party, or left the house after a 10 pm curfew. Yes, I said the CDC. The agency that supposedly is all about “disease control?” Now spying on you!
Totalitarianism in America may finally be confronted when the American people finally feel enough pain from this regime.
The globalists know that the police will not support tyranny, so they are attacking them and their literal livelihood.