U.S. News

Controlled Demolition

Original Article by Raw Egg Nationalist Controlled demolition: there’s no other way to describe what’s been happening with immigration for the last three-and-a-half years. Hopefully…

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When Skeptics Are Facing Economic Collapse

Economic collapse is NOT an event, it’s a process. Nothing gets better, the situation only ever gets worse, but since it happens over a period of many years (the process of collapse) the public largely accepts it and will even accuse those of us sounding the alarm of “doom mongering.”

The Questions They Should Have Asked Fauci

The first question that must be asked is: WHO WAS ACTUALLY IN CHARGE? Really in charge at the top.To much excitement surrounds the questioning of Dr. Anthony Fauci under oath about the Covid pandemic response. Again. And he evades, and prevaricates, and avoids taking responsibility. Again.

And, once again, nobody asks the crucial questions.