2024 – The Pivotal Year For The Globalists?
If the globalists fail to set the stage for the Reset in 2024, then they may be facing a mounting movement to bring them to justice. The juggling act is about to come to an end.
Read MoreIf the globalists fail to set the stage for the Reset in 2024, then they may be facing a mounting movement to bring them to justice. The juggling act is about to come to an end.
Read MoreMany people have said the time we live in now is an attack on our minds. And that’s why they work hard to control information which controls the way you think.
One critic called the campaign “a totalitarian nightmare” designed to “onboard” small countries with “digital everything.”
The globalists create a problem out of thin air (AI), then suggest it is a much greater threat to humanity than it actually is, then they offer their services as fair and benevolent arbiters of the technology and its effects.
One of the biggest areas of “gaslighting” is for the purpose to make the masses believe in climate change, and that it’s the real threat, when it’s really not.
The globalists imagine a future were the malcontent free thinkers and people replaced by AI are outcasts, scratching and scraping out a meaningless existence in the wastelands of the old world.