If WE Don’t Stand Against The Elites
The elites have made their plans known and now is the time for us to stand together and say NO to this dystopia.
Read MoreThe elites have made their plans known and now is the time for us to stand together and say NO to this dystopia.
Read MoreIntel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media. British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations.
This Covid is NOT just something that was an unfortunate accident from a virus that escaped a Chinese lab.
The Chinese launched a war against us and most people don’t even know it’s happening. The “pandemic” is a New World Order backed plot, with the complete involvement and support of the Chinese government, corporate media, all social media and big pharma!
We’ve all been sucked into the biggest scam of “technology trust” the world has ever seen. Now, they’re showing their real intent.
Will we even survive another year, or will this be the demise of a nation filled with the division we’ve allowed to fester like a boil, infecting and poisoning our nation now?