This Is WHY Americans Still Believe The LIES!
The mass deception could ONLY work the way it has been with all the corporate medical cabal, the mainstream media and the feds making money to “go along to get along!” And they have been!
Read MoreThe mass deception could ONLY work the way it has been with all the corporate medical cabal, the mainstream media and the feds making money to “go along to get along!” And they have been!
Read MoreMainstream media has been BLASTING the people of the world with a message of FEAR 24/7 like nothing we’ve ever seen before!
If the world and America don’t wake up NOW, it may be too late for those of us who have still NOT taken the “jab.”
Will the world ever wake up and realize that we have been “conned” and it has literally cost many of our loved ones to die prematurely and be killed?
The medical cabal and government are all in lockstep with this evil.
I have people mock the facts when I tell people them about the fraud of this “pandemic.” But in this article, there is no way you can ignore the truth.